Philippe Xu, Pawan Bhartia, Glen Jaross, Matthew DeLand, Jack Larsen, Albert Fleig, Daniel Kahn, Tong Zhu, Zhong Chen, Nick Gorkavyi, Jeremy Warner, Michael Linda, Hong Chen, Mark Kowitt, Michael Haken, Peter Hall
The OMPS Limb Profiler (LP) was launched on board the NASA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite in October 2011. OMPS-LP is a limb-scattering hyperspectral sensor that provides ozone profiling capability at 1.8 km vertical resolution from cloud top to 60 km altitude. The use of three parallel slits allows global coverage in approximately four days. We have recently completed a full reprocessing of all LP data products, designated as Release 2, that improves the accuracy and quality of these products. Level 1 gridded radiance (L1G) changes include intra-orbit and seasonal correction of variations in wavelength registration, revised static and intra-orbit tangent height adjustments, and simplified pixel selection from multiple images. Ozone profile retrieval changes include removal of the explicit aerosol correction, exclusion of channels contaminated by stratospheric OH emission, a revised instrument noise characterization, improved synthetic solar spectrum, improved pressure and temperature ancillary data, and a revised ozone climatology. Release 2 data products also include aerosol extinction coefficient profiles derived with the prelaunch retrieval algorithm. Our evaluation of OMPS LP Release 2 data quality is good. Zonal average ozone profile comparisons with Aura MLS data typically show good agreement, within 5-10% over the altitude range 20-50 km between 60°S and 60°N. The aerosol profiles agree well with concurrent satellite measurements such as CALIPSO and OSIRIS, and clearly detect exceptional events such as volcanic eruptions and the Chelyabinsk bolide in February 2013.
Stratospheric ozone column data was acquired during four recent aircraft-based validation missions for the Aura satellite flown in years 2004-2006. The data was retrieved by the spectrally-resolved actinic flux measurements of the charge-coupled-device scanning actinic flux spectroradiometer (CAFS) instrument carried on board the NASA WB-57 and DC-8 aircrafts. Each dataset contains information on temporal and spatial variability in the stratospheric ozone column. Analyses of the CAFS datasets provide guidance for assimilation of data from individual satellite orbits into the global maps of stratospheric ozone. Moreover, the 10-second samplings of the CAFS data supply information on spatial variability of stratospheric ozone column across the footprint of a satellite measurement. The CAFS data is available as a function of altitude and geo location of the aircraft. This paper describes the algorithm for the retrieval of an ozone column above the aircraft level, along with validation of the CAFS retrieved ozone product. A discussion of the retrieval uncertainty is provided with emphasis on the algorithm's assumptions and instrumental uncertainties. Sensitivity of the ozone retrieval to fundamental atmospheric parameters is discussed in detail, and the range of uncertainties is estimated under a variety of observational conditions. The characteristic model uncertainty of the CAFS partial ozone column retrieval is better than 3 %, whereas the CAFS measurement precision contributes less than 1 % to the retrieval uncertainty.
The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) is first-of-its-kind hyperspectral instrument that employs two dimensional
UV-enhanced CCD's to measure radiation backscattered by the Earth's atmosphere from 270-500 nm at high spectral
resolution (0.45-0.63 nm), and with higher spatial resolution compared to the predecessor instruments (TOMS, SBUV,
GOME, and SCIAMACHY). OMI is a Dutch-Finnish contribution to the NASA EOS Aura satellite, which was
launched on 15 July 2004. The hyperspectral capability of OMI allows one to measure several trace gases in the
boundary layer (NO2, SO2, HCHO, BrO) at urban scale resolution. In addition, OMI continues the 28-year record of
data collected by the TOMS-series of instruments since Nov 1978, and SBUV-series of instruments since April 1970.
These products include ozone profile, total column ozone, tropospheric column ozone, volcanic SO2, and daily global
maps of UV-absorbing aerosols. In this paper we discuss recent results from OMI, focusing on OMI products related to
air quality over the Asian-Pacific region. OMI has the unique capability of seeing transport of dust and smoke above
clouds. Recent refinements to the algorithm are providing estimate of aerosol absorption, important for estimating the
solar radiation reaching the ground.
Compared to the visible spectral region, very little is known about aerosol absorption in the UV. Without such information it is impossible to quantify the causes of the observed discrepancy between modeled and measured UV irradiances and photolysis rates. We report results of a 17-month aerosol column absorption monitoring experiment conducted in Greenbelt, Maryland, where the imaginary part of effective refractive index k was inferred from the measurements of direct and diffuse atmospheric transmittances by a UV-multifilter rotating shadowband radiometer [UV-MFRSR, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) UV-B Monitoring and Research Network]. Colocated ancillary measurements of aerosol effective particle size distribution and refractive index in the visible wavelengths [by CIMEL sun-sky radiometers, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET)], column ozone, surface pressure, and albedo constrain the forward radiative transfer model input, so that a unique solution for k is obtained independently in each UV-MFRSR spectral channel. Inferred values of k are systematically larger in the UV than in the visible wavelengths. The inferred k values enable calculation of the single scattering albedo , which is compared with AERONET inversions in the visible wavelengths. On cloud-free days with high aerosol loadings [ext(440)>0.4], is systematically lower at 368 nm (368=0.94) than at 440 nm (440=0.96), however, the mean differences (0.02) are within expected uncertainties of retrievals (~0.03). The inferred is even lower at shorter UV wavelengths (325~332=0.92), which might suggest the presence of selectively UV absorbing aerosols. We also find that decreases with decrease in aerosol loading. This could be due to real changes in the average aerosol composition between summer and winter months at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) site.
Radiative transfer calculations of UV irradiance from total ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS) satellite data are frequently overestimated compared to ground-based measurements because of the presence of undetected absorbing aerosols in the planetary boundary layer. To reduce these uncertainties, an aerosol UV absorption closure experiment has been conducted at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA/GSFC) site in Greenbelt, Maryland, using 17 months of data from a shadowband radiometer [UV-multifilter rotating shadowband radiometer (UV-MFRSR), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) UV-B Monitoring and Research Network] colocated with a group of three sun-sky CIMEL radiometers [rotating reference instruments of the NASA Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET)]. We describe an improved UV-MFRSR on-site calibration method augmented by AERONET-CIMEL measurements of aerosol extinction optical thickness (a) interpolated or extrapolated to the UV-MFRSR wavelengths and measurement intervals. The estimated a is used as input to a UV-MFRSR spectral-band model, along with independent column ozone and surface pressure measurements, to estimate zero air mass voltages V0 in three longer wavelength UV-MFRSR channels (325, 332, 368 nm). Daily mean V0, estimates and standard deviations are obtained for cloud-free conditions and compared with the on-site UV-MFRSR Langley plot calibration method. By repeating the calibrations on clear days, relatively good stability (±2% in V0) is found in summer, with larger relative changes in fall-winter seasons.
We report final results of an aerosol UV absorption closure experiment where a UV-shadow-band radiometer (UV-MFRSR, USDA UVB Monitoring and Research Network) and 4 rotating sun-sky radiometers (CIMEL, NASA AERONET network) were run side-by-side continuously for 17 months at NASA/GSFC site in Greenbelt, MD. The aerosol extinction optical thickness τext, was measured by the CIMEL direct-sun technique in the visible and at two UV wavelengths 340 and 380 nm. These results were used for UV-MFRSR daily on-site calibration and 3-min measurements of τext at 325nm, 332nm and 368nm. The τext measurements were used as input to the radiative transfer model along with AERONET retrievals of the column-integrated particle size distribution (PSD)to infer an effective imaginary part of the UV aerosol refractive index, k, by fitting MFRSR measured voltage ratios. Using all cases for cloud-free days, we derive diurnal and seasonal dependence of the aerosol absorption optical thickness, τabs with an uncertainty 0.01-0.02. At our site τabs follows pronounced seasonal dependence with maximum values ~0.07 at 368nm (~0.15 at 325nm) occurring in summer hazy conditions and <0.02 in winter-fall seasons, when aerosol loadings are small. Inferred values of k allow calculation of the single scattering albedo, ω, in UVA and comparisons with AERONET almucantar ω440 retrievals at 440nm. Overall, ω was slightly lower in UV than in the visible: case average <ω368>=0.93 compared to <ω440>=0.95. However, the differences (<ω440 - ω368> ~0.02, rms difference ~0.016) are smaller than uncertainties of both retrievals (δω~0.03). Low <ω368> values are consistent with higher values for imaginary refractive index, k: <k368> ~0.01 compare to <k440> ~0.006. However, mean differences in k (<k368-k440>~0.004) were only slightly larger than AERONET retrieval uncertainty δk ~0.00327. We also found that ω decreases with decrease in τext, suggesting different aerosol composition in summer and winter months. So far, our results do not allow explaining the causes of apparent larger aerosol absorption in UV. Continuing co-located measurements at GFSC is important to improve the comparison statistics, but conducting aerosol absorption measurements at different sites with varying conditions is also desirable.
Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) is a Dutch-Finnish ozone monitoring imaging spectrometer that is designed to provide accurate measurements of total column ozone, ozone profile, surface UV irradiance, aerosols and cloud characteristics, and the column amounts of trace gases SO2, NO2, HCHO, BrO, and OClO at high spatial resolution. The OMI along with the three other instruments, the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS), the High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS), and the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES), will be flown on the NASA’s Aura mission in early 2004. The standard atmospheric chemistry and dynamics products derived from OMI, MLS, and HIRDLS will be archived at the NASA's GES DAAC (TES data products will be archived at NASA Langley Research Center DAAC) and will be freely available to the public. Highlights of OMI data products, as well as their availability, distribution and data support are discussed in this paper.
Compared to the visible spectral region very little is known about aerosol absorption in UV. Without such information it is impossible to quantify a cause to the observed discrepancy between modeled and measured UV irradiances and photolysis rates. We report preliminary results of an aerosol closure experiment where a UV-shadow-band radiometer (UVMFRSR, USDA UVB Monitoring and Research Network) and well-calibrated sun-sky radiometer (CIMEL, NASA AERONET network) were run side-by-side for several months at NASA/GSFC site in Greenbelt, MD. The aerosol optical thickness, τ, was measured at 340nm and 380nm by the CIMEL direct-sun technique. These results compared well with independent MFRSR τ measurements at 368nm (using total minus diffuse irradiance technique). Such comparisons provide an independent check of both instrument’s radiometric and MFRSR’s angular calibration and allow precise tracking of the UV filter degradation by repeating the comparisons made at somewhat regular time intervals. The τ measurements were used as input to a radiative transfer model along with AERONET retrievals of the column-integrated particle size distribution (PSD) to infer an effective imaginary part of the UV aerosol refractive index (k). This was done by fitting the MFRSR diffuse fraction measurements to the calculated values for each UV spectral channel. Inferred values of refractive index and PSD allow calculation of the single scattering albedo, ω, in the UV and comparisons with AERONET ω retrievals. The advantage of utilizing diffuse fraction measurements is that radiometric calibration is not needed for the MFRSR since the same detector measures both the total and diffuse flux. The additional advantage is that surface albedo is much smaller in the UV than in the visible spectral range and has much less effect on aerosol measurements.
We evaluate the effects of possible enhancements of the current (version 1) TOMS surface UV irradiance algorithm. The major enhancements include more detailed treatment of tropospheric aerosols, effects of diurnal variation of cloudiness and improved treatment of snow/ice. The emphasis is on the comparison between the results of the version 1 TOMS UV algorithm and each of the changes proposed. TOMS UV algorithm does not discriminate between nonabsorbing aerosols and clouds. Absorbing aerosols are corrected by using the TOMS aerosol index data. The treatment of aerosol attenuation might have been improved by using newly derived TOMS products: optical depths and the single-scattering albedo for dust, smoke, and sulfate aerosols. We evaluate different approaches for improved treatment of pixel average cloud attenuation, with and without snow/ice on the ground. In addition to treating clouds based only on the measurements at the local time of the TOMS observations, the results from other satellites and weather assimilation models can be used to estimate attenuation of the UV irradiance throughout the day. The improved (version 2) algorithm will be applied to reprocess the existing TOMS UV data record (since 1978) and to the future satellite sensors (e.g., Quik/TOMS, GOME, OMI on EOS/Aura and Triana/EPIC).
We show comparisons between ground-based measurements of UV irradiance less 380 nm and satellite TOMS UV retrievals within the whole period of TOMS measurements (1979-2000) over Moscow. We analyze the scale of temporal averaging of ground-based UV data taken with 1 minute resolution which should be used while comparing with TOMS data measured once per day within a relatively large footprint area (50-100 km2). Another objective is to study interannual variability of UV irradiance obtained by ground-based UV measurements and TOMS UV retrievals for the whole period of observation (1979-2000) over Moscow area. The analysis of interannual variations in satellite UV retrievals and ground-based UV irradiance is given together with examination of different atmospheric parameters, which are available from ground and satellite observations. A special attention is given to the comparisons of UV radiation obtained from ground and satellite measurements in spring season when the maximum ozone loss is observed. This is done together with the analysis of interannual variations in snow characteristics (snow albedo, snow depth, etc) and in cloudiness. We revealed the uncertainties in TOMS UV retrievals at specified atmospheric conditions by using ancillary information. The comparisons between TOMS and ground-based UV radiation in cloudless atmosphere with different aerosol optical properties are of particular concern.
The Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) provides daily global mapping of the total column ozone in the earth’s atmosphere. It does this by measuring the solar irradiance and the backscattered solar radiance in 6 spectral bands falling within the range from 308.6 nm to 360 nm. The accuracy of the ozone retrieval is highly dependent on the knowledge of the transfer characteristics and center wavelength for each spectral band. A 0.1 nm wavelength error translates to a 1.6% error in ozone. Several techniques have historically been used to perform the wavelength calibration of the TOMS instruments. These methods include the use of film and reference spectra from low-pressure spectral line lamps and the use of continuum sources with a narrow-band scanning monochromator. The spectral transfer characteristic of the Flight Model 5 instrument for the QuikTOMS mission was calibrated using a new technique employing a frequency doubled tunable dye laser. The tunable laser has several advantages that include a very narrow spectral bandwidth; accurate wavelength determination using a wavemeter; and the ability to calibrate the instrument system level of assembly (prior methods required that the calibration be performed at the monochromator sub assembly level). The technique uses the output from a diode-pumped solid state Nd:V04 laser that is frequency doubled to provide a continuous wave 532 nm pump laser beam to a Coherent Model 899-01 frequency doubled ring dye laser. The output is directed into the entrance port of a 6-inch diameter Spectralon integrating sphere. A GaP photodiode is used to monitor the sphere wall radiance while a Burleigh Wavemeter (WA-1500) is used to monitor the wavelength of the visible output of the dye laser. The TOMS field of view is oriented to view the exit port of the integrating sphere. During the measurement process the response of the instrument is monitored as the laser source is stepped in 0.02-nm increments over each of the six TOMS spectral bands. Results of the new technique allow establishing the wavelength center to a precision of better than 0.1 nm. In addition to the spectral band measurements, the laser provided a means to calibrate the radiometric linearity of the QuikTOMS instrument and yield new insights into the stray light performance of the complete optical system.
TOMS has been the main satellite instrument for measuring the global distribution of the total atmospheric column of ozone since the first one was launched in 1978. The fifth instrument's launch is planned for August 2000. A key scientific objective of the TOMS mission is to monitor the trend of total global ozone, which requires the ability to detect a 1% change in ozone over a decade. This, in turn, requires high calibration accuracy and long-term stability in the TOMS ratio measurements between the solar spectral irradiance and the Earth spectral radiance. The calibration process requires not only knowledge of the radiometric response of the instrument, but also of various instrument characteristics to convert the instrument output to the value of the physical observable being measured. This is due to the fact that the object sources in measurements may have different characteristics from those of the radiometric standards, e.g., intensity, polarization, and spectral distribution; the process of calibration requires a complete set of instrument characteristics, e.g., linearity, spectral bandwidth, and straylight response, to compensate for the difference between the standards and the source being measured. This paper describes methodologies of the TOMS FM-5 prelaunch tests that are relevant to calibration.
Meteor-3M(2)/TOMS-5 is a cooperative joint mission between the Russian Space Agency (RSA) and the United States (US) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). A US Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) instrument is scheduled to be flown aboard a Russian Meteor-3M satellite in the year 2000. The main science objectives of the mission are to continue global total-ozone measurements to monitor long-term change in global total ozone, to understand processes related to the Antarctic ozone hole, and to improve the understanding of the processes that govern global total ozone. Secondary objectives are to measure aerosol amounts (dust, smoke, volcanic ash, and sulfates) and SO2. This paper describes the Meteor-3M(2) spacecraft, the TOMS-5 experiment, operations of Meteor- 3M(2)/TOMS-5, and plans for data processing, data archiving and distribution.
We discuss several new uses of backscatter ultraviolet (UV) measurements in atmospheric remote sensing. Radiances in the UV from 310 - 340 nm are primarily sensitive to total ozone and the effects of clouds and the Earth's surface. We have modeled UV radiances in this spectral range to an accuracy of approximately 0.5% with an efficient radiative transfer model. We have retrieved accurate values of total ozone using continuous spectral scan mode data from the Nimbus 7 Satellite Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) spectrometer. Systematic effects resulting from calibration and algorithmic errors have been removed. The continuous scan mode total ozone measurements serve as independent validation of total ozone measurements and trends derived from TOMS and SBUV discrete mode, both of which have better temporal and spatial coverage than SBUV continuous scan mode but fewer channels. At wavelengths between 340 and 400 nm, radiances are sensitive to several properties of clouds and aerosols. We have used rotational-Raman scattering signatures near 360 nm and at the 394 nm calcium solar Fraunhofer line to determine effective UV cloud pressures with both TOMS and SBUV in continuous scan mode. At 280 nm, resonance scattering from magnesium ions has been detected. Spatial and temporal variations in magnesium ion column abundances, including increases with increased solar activity, have been derived from SBUV continuous scan measurements.
The possibility of utilizing limb scattering to monitor stratospheric ozone from space has been recognized as a possible remote sensing technique for many years. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the radiative transfer problem associated with the spherical shell geometry and associated multiple scattering, the problem has received relatively little attention. While the complexity of the problem remains, the development of newer codes allows for the problem to now be tractable. Utilizing one such recently developed code, the authors have made a series of sensitivity studies relating changes in the limb radiances to changes in the ozone profiles. The calculations allow for the spherical geometry, include all orders of multiple scattering, and may include aerosols and other absorbing gases when relevant. Calculations of the changes are presented for a series of standard ozone profiles and for perturbed profiles. The results of these calculations indicate that measurement accuracies on the order of plus or minus 1% should provide adequate sensitivity to determine the significant structure of the ozone profile. Due to the complexity of the spherical, multiple scattering problem, direct inversion of the measured radiances is probably not feasible at this time. However, table look-ups provide a reasonable alternative, much as is currently done in the TOMS/SBUV retrieval algorithms. Results of the sensitivity studies for a range of conditions are presented.
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