Euclid-VIS is the large format visible imager for the ESA Euclid space mission in their Cosmic Vision program, scheduled for launch in 2021. Together with the near infrared imaging within the NISP instrument, it forms the basis of the weak lensing measurements of Euclid. VIS will image in a single r+i+z band from 550-900 nm over a field of view of ~0.5 deg2 . By combining 4 exposures with a total of 2260 sec, VIS will reach to deeper than mAB=24.5 (10s) for sources with extent ~0.3 arcsec. The image sampling is 0.1 arcsec. VIS will provide deep imaging with a tightly controlled and stable point spread function (PSF) over a wide survey area of 15000 deg2 to measure the cosmic shear from nearly 1.5 billion galaxies to high levels of accuracy, from which the cosmological parameters will be measured. In addition, VIS will also provide a legacy dataset with an unprecedented combination of spatial resolution, depth and area covering most of the extra-Galactic sky. Here we will present the results of the study carried out by the Euclid Consortium during the period up to the beginning of the Flight Model programme
M. Feroci, E. Bozzo, S. Brandt, M. Hernanz, M. van der Klis, L.-P. Liu, P. Orleanski, M. Pohl, A. Santangelo, S. Schanne, L. Stella, T. Takahashi, H. Tamura, A. Watts, J. Wilms, S. Zane, S.-N. Zhang, S. Bhattacharyya, I. Agudo, M. Ahangarianabhari, C. Albertus, M. Alford, A. Alpar, D. Altamirano, L. Alvarez, L. Amati, C. Amoros, N. Andersson, A. Antonelli, A. Argan, R. Artigue, B. Artigues, J.-L. Atteia, P. Azzarello, P. Bakala, D. Ballantyne, G. Baldazzi, M. Baldo, S. Balman, M. Barbera, C. van Baren, D. Barret, A. Baykal, M. Begelman, E. Behar, O. Behar, T. Belloni, F. Bernardini, G. Bertuccio, S. Bianchi, A. Bianchini, P. Binko, P. Blay, F. Bocchino, M. Bode, P. Bodin, I. Bombaci, J.-M. Bonnet Bidaud, S. Boutloukos, F. Bouyjou, L. Bradley, J. Braga, M. Briggs, E. Brown, M. Buballa, N. Bucciantini, L. Burderi, M. Burgay, M. Bursa, C. Budtz-Jørgensen, E. Cackett, F. Cadoux, P. Cais, G. Caliandro, R. Campana, S. Campana, X. Cao, F. Capitanio, J. Casares, P. Casella, A. Castro-Tirado, E. Cavazzuti, Y. Cavechi, S. Celestin, P. Cerda-Duran, D. Chakrabarty, N. Chamel, F. Château, C. Chen, Y. Chen, J. Chenevez, M. Chernyakova, J. Coker, R. Cole, A. Collura, M. Coriat, R. Cornelisse, L. Costamante, A. Cros, W. Cui, A. Cumming, G. Cusumano, B. Czerny, A. D'Aì, F. D'Ammando, V. D'Elia, Z. Dai, E. Del Monte, A. De Luca, D. De Martino, J. P. C. Dercksen, M. De Pasquale, A. De Rosa, M. Del Santo, S. Di Cosimo, N. Degenaar, J. W. den Herder, S. Diebold, T. Di Salvo, Y. Dong, I. Donnarumma, V. Doroshenko, G. Doyle, S. Drake, M. Durant, D. Emmanoulopoulos, T. Enoto, M. H. Erkut, P. Esposito, Y. Evangelista, A. Fabian, M. Falanga, Y. Favre, C. Feldman, R. Fender, H. Feng, V. Ferrari, C. Ferrigno, M. Finger, G. Fraser, M. Frericks, M. Fullekrug, F. Fuschino, M. Gabler, D. K. Galloway, J. L. Gálvez Sanchez, P. Gandhi, Z. Gao, E. Garcia-Berro, B. Gendre, O. Gevin, S. Gezari, A. B. Giles, M. Gilfanov, P. Giommi, G. Giovannini, M. Giroletti, E. Gogus, A. Goldwurm, K. Goluchová, D. Götz, L. Gou, C. Gouiffes, P. Grandi, M. Grassi, J. Greiner, V. Grinberg, P. Groot, M. Gschwender, L. Gualtieri, M. Guedel, C. Guidorzi, L. Guy, D. Haas, P. Haensel, M. Hailey, K. Hamuguchi, F. Hansen, D. Hartmann, C. A. Haswell, K. Hebeler, A. Heger, M. Hempel, W. Hermsen, J. Homan, A. Hornstrup, R. Hudec, J. Huovelin, D. Huppenkothen, S. Inam, A. Ingram, J. In't Zand, G. Israel, K. Iwasawa, L. Izzo, H. Jacobs, F. Jetter, T. Johannsen, P. Jenke, P. Jonker, J. Josè, P. Kaaret, K. Kalamkar, E. Kalemci, G. Kanbach, V. Karas, D. Karelin, D. Kataria, L. Keek, T. Kennedy, D. Klochkov, W. Kluzniak, E. Koerding, K. Kokkotas, S. Komossa, S. Korpela, C. Kouveliotou, A. Kowalski, I. Kreykenbohm, L. Kuiper, D. Kunneriath, A. Kurkela, I. Kuvvetli, F. La Franca, C. Labanti, D. Lai, F. Lamb, C. Lachaud, P. Laubert, F. Lebrun, X. Li, E. Liang, O. Limousin, D. Lin, M. Linares, D. Linder, G. Lodato, F. Longo, F. Lu, N. Lund, T. Maccarone, D. Macera, S. Maestre, S. Mahmoodifar, D. Maier, P. Malcovati, J. Malzac, C. Malone, I. Mandel, V. Mangano, A. Manousakis, M. Marelli, J. Margueron, M. Marisaldi, S. Markoff, A. Markowitz, A. Marinucci, A. Martindale, G. Martínez, I. McHardy, G. Medina-Tanco, M. Mehdipour, A. Melatos, M. Mendez, S. Mereghetti, S. Migliari, R. Mignani, M. Michalska, T. Mihara, M. C. Miller, J. M. Miller, T. Mineo, G. Miniutti, S. Morsink, C. Motch, S. Motta, M. Mouchet, G. Mouret, J. Mulačová, F. Muleri, T. Muñoz-Darias, I. Negueruela, J. Neilsen, T. Neubert, A. Norton, M. Nowak, A. Nucita, P. O'Brien, M. Oertel, P. E. H. Olsen, M. Orienti, M. Orio, M. Orlandini, J. Osborne, R. Osten, F. Ozel, L. Pacciani, F. Paerels, S. Paltani, M. Paolillo, I. Papadakis, A. Papitto, Z. Paragi, J. Paredes, A. Patruno, B. Paul, F. Pederiva, E. Perinati, A. Pellizzoni, A. V. Penacchioni, U. Peretz, M. Perez, M. Perez-Torres, B. Peterson, V. Petracek, C. Pittori, J. Pons, J. Portell, A. Possenti, K. Postnov, J. Poutanen, M. Prakash, I. Prandoni, H. Le Provost, D. Psaltis, J. Pye, J. Qu, D. Rambaud, P. Ramon, G. Ramsay, M. Rapisarda, A. Rashevski, I. Rashevskaya, P. Ray, N. Rea, S. Reddy, P. Reig, M. Reina Aranda, R. Remillard, C. Reynolds, L. Rezzolla, M. Ribo, R. de la Rie, A. Riggio, A. Rios, D. Rischke, P. Rodríguez-Gil, J. Rodriguez, R. Rohlfs, P. Romano, E. M. Rossi, A. Rozanska, A. Rousseau, B. Rudak, D. Russell, F. Ryde, L. Sabau-Graziati, T. Sakamoto, G. Sala, R. Salvaterra, D. Salvetti, A. Sanna, J. Sandberg, T. Savolainen, S. Scaringi, J. Schaffner-Bielich, H. Schatz, J. Schee, C. Schmid, M. Serino, N. Shakura, S. Shore, J. Schnittman, R. Schneider, A. Schwenk, A. Schwope, A. Sedrakian, J.-Y. Seyler, A. Shearer, A. Slowikowska, M. Sims, A. Smith, D. Smith, P. Smith, M. Sobolewska, V. Sochora, P. Soffitta, P. Soleri, L. Song, A. Spencer, A. Stamerra, B. Stappers, R. Staubert, A. Steiner, N. Stergioulas, A. Stevens, G. Stratta, T. Strohmayer, Z. Stuchlik, S. Suchy, V. Suleimanov, F. Tamburini, T. Tauris, F. Tavecchio, C. Tenzer, F. Thielemann, A. Tiengo, L. Tolos, F. Tombesi, J. Tomsick, G. Torok, J. M. Torrejon, D. F. Torres, E. Torresi, A. Tramacere, I. Traulsen, A. Trois, R. Turolla, S. Turriziani, S. Typel, P. Uter, P. Uttley, A. Vacchi, P. Varniere, S. Vaughan, S. Vercellone, M. Vietri, F. Vincent, V. Vrba, D. Walton, J. Wang, Z. Wang, S. Watanabe, R. Wawrzaszek, N. Webb, N. Weinberg, H. Wende, P. Wheatley, R. Wijers, R. Wijnands, M. Wille, C. Wilson-Hodge, B. Winter, S. Walk, K. Wood, S. Woosley, X. Wu, R. Xu, W. Yu, F. Yuan, W. Yuan, Y. Yuan, G. Zampa, N. Zampa, L. Zampieri, L. Zdunik, A. Zdziarski, A. Zech, B. Zhang, C. Zhang, S. Zhang, M. Zingale, F. Zwart
The Large Observatory For x-ray Timing (LOFT) is a mission concept which was proposed to ESA as M3 and M4 candidate in the framework of the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 program. Thanks to the unprecedented combination of effective area and spectral resolution of its main instrument and the uniquely large field of view of its wide field monitor, LOFT will be able to study the behaviour of matter in extreme conditions such as the strong gravitational field in the innermost regions close to black holes and neutron stars and the supra-nuclear densities in the interiors of neutron stars. The science payload is based on a Large Area Detector (LAD, >8m2 effective area, 2-30 keV, 240 eV spectral resolution, 1 degree collimated field of view) and a Wide Field Monitor (WFM, 2-50 keV, 4 steradian field of view, 1 arcmin source location accuracy, 300 eV spectral resolution). The WFM is equipped with an on-board system for bright events (e.g., GRB) localization. The trigger time and position of these events are broadcast to the ground within 30 s from discovery. In this paper we present the current technical and programmatic status of the mission.
KEYWORDS: Point spread functions, Space operations, Galactic astronomy, Space telescopes, Charge-coupled devices, Calibration, Staring arrays, Sensors, Camera shutters, Radiation effects
Euclid-VIS is the large format visible imager for the ESA Euclid space mission in their Cosmic Vision program,
scheduled for launch in 2020. Together with the near infrared imaging within the NISP instrument, it forms the basis of
the weak lensing measurements of Euclid. VIS will image in a single r+i+z band from 550-900 nm over a field of view
of ~0.5 deg2. By combining 4 exposures with a total of 2260 sec, VIS will reach to deeper than mAB=24.5 (10σ) for
sources with extent ~0.3 arcsec. The image sampling is 0.1 arcsec. VIS will provide deep imaging with a tightly
controlled and stable point spread function (PSF) over a wide survey area of 15000 deg2 to measure the cosmic shear
from nearly 1.5 billion galaxies to high levels of accuracy, from which the cosmological parameters will be measured. In
addition, VIS will also provide a legacy dataset with an unprecedented combination of spatial resolution, depth and area
covering most of the extra-Galactic sky. Here we will present the results of the study carried out by the Euclid
Consortium during the period up to the Critical Design Review.
KEYWORDS: Modulation transfer functions, Point spread functions, Sensors, Charge-coupled devices, Diffusion, Laser range finders, CCD image sensors, Back illuminated sensors, Silicon, Space telescopes
The European Space Agency (ESA) and e2v, together with the Euclid Imaging Consortium, have designed and manufactured pre-development models of a novel imaging detector for the visible channel of the Euclid space telescope. The new detector is an e2v back-illuminated, 4k x 4k, 12 micron square pixel CCD designated CCD273-84. The backilluminated detectors have been characterised for many critical performance parameters such as read noise, charge transfer efficiency, quantum efficiency, Modulation Transfer Function and Point Spread Function. Initial analysis of the MTF and PSF performance of the detectors has been performed by e2v and at MSSL and the results have enabled the Euclid VIS CCD project to move in to the C/D or flight phase delivery contract. This paper describes the CCD273-84 detector, the test method used for MTF measurements at e2v and the test method used for PSF measurements at MSSL. Results are presented for MTF measurements at e2v over all pre development devices. Also presented is a cross comparison of the data from the MTF and PSF measurement techniques on the same device. Good agreement between the measured PSF Full Width Half Maximum and the equivalent Full Width Half Maximum derived from the MTF images and test results is shown, with results that indicate diffusion FWHM values at or below 10 micron for the CCD273-84 detectors over the spectral range measured. At longer wavelengths the diffusion FWHM is shown to be in the 6-8 micron range.
One of the main challenges for current and near future space experiments is the increase of focal plane complexity in terms of amount of pixels. In the frame work of the ESA Euclid mission to be launched in 2020, the Euclid Consortium is developing an extremely large and stable focal plane for the VIS instrument. CEA has developed the thermomechanical architecture of that Focal Plane taking into account all the very stringent performance and mission related requirements. The VIS Focal Plane Assembly integrates 36 CCDs (operated at 150K) connected to their front end electronics (operated at 280K) as to obtain one of the largest focal plane (∼0.6 billion pixels) ever built for space application after the GAIA one. The CCDs are CCD273 type specially designed and provided by the e2v company under ESA contract, front end electronics is studied and provided by MSSL. In this paper we first recall the specific requirements that have driven the overall architecture of the VIS-FPA and especially the solutions proposed to cope with the scientific needs of an extremely stable focal plane, both mechanically and thermally. The mechanical structure based on SiC material used for the cold sub assembly supporting the CCDs is detailed. We describe also the modular architecture concept that we have selected taking into account AIT-AIV and programmatic constraints.
Euclid-VIS is the large format visible imager for the ESA Euclid space mission in their Cosmic Vision program,
scheduled for launch in 2020. Together with the near infrared imaging within the NISP instrument, it forms the basis of
the weak lensing measurements of Euclid. VIS will image in a single r+i+z band from 550-900 nm over a field of view
of ~0.5 deg2. By combining 4 exposures with a total of 2260 sec, VIS will reach to V=24.5 (10σ) for sources with extent
~0.3 arcsec. The image sampling is 0.1 arcsec. VIS will provide deep imaging with a tightly controlled and stable point
spread function (PSF) over a wide survey area of 15000 deg2 to measure the cosmic shear from nearly 1.5 billion
galaxies to high levels of accuracy, from which the cosmological parameters will be measured. In addition, VIS will also
provide a legacy dataset with an unprecedented combination of spatial resolution, depth and area covering most of the
extra-Galactic sky. Here we will present the results of the study carried out by the Euclid Consortium during the period
up to the Preliminary Design Review.
M. Feroci, J. W. den Herder, E. Bozzo, D. Barret, S. Brandt, M. Hernanz, M. van der Klis, M. Pohl, A. Santangelo, L. Stella, A. Watts, J. Wilms, S. Zane, M. Ahangarianabhari, C. Albertus, M. Alford, A. Alpar, D. Altamirano, L. Alvarez, L. Amati, C. Amoros, N. Andersson, A. Antonelli, A. Argan, R. Artigue, B. Artigues, J.-L. Atteia, P. Azzarello, P. Bakala, G. Baldazzi, S. Balman, M. Barbera, C. van Baren, S. Bhattacharyya, A. Baykal, T. Belloni, F. Bernardini, G. Bertuccio, S. Bianchi, A. Bianchini, P. Binko, P. Blay, F. Bocchino, P. Bodin, I. Bombaci, J.-M. Bonnet Bidaud, S. Boutloukos, L. Bradley, J. Braga, E. Brown, N. Bucciantini, L. Burderi, M. Burgay, M. Bursa, C. Budtz-Jørgensen, E. Cackett, F. Cadoux, P. Caïs, G. Caliandro, R. Campana, S. Campana, F. Capitanio, J. Casares, P. Casella, A. Castro-Tirado, E. Cavazzuti, P. Cerda-Duran, D. Chakrabarty, F. Château, J. Chenevez, J. Coker, R. Cole, A. Collura, R. Cornelisse, T. Courvoisier, A. Cros, A. Cumming, G. Cusumano, A. D'Ai, V. D'Elia, E. Del Monte, A. de Luca, D. de Martino, J. P. C. Dercksen, M. de Pasquale, A. De Rosa, M. Del Santo, S. Di Cosimo, S. Diebold, T. Di Salvo, I. Donnarumma, A. Drago, M. Durant, D. Emmanoulopoulos, M. H. Erkut, P. Esposito, Y. Evangelista, A. Fabian, M. Falanga, Y. Favre, C. Feldman, V. Ferrari, C. Ferrigno, M. Finger, G. Fraser, M. Frericks, F. Fuschino, M. Gabler, D. K. Galloway, J. L. Galvez Sanchez, E. Garcia-Berro, B. Gendre, S. Gezari, A. B. Giles, M. Gilfanov, P. Giommi, G. Giovannini, M. Giroletti, E. Gogus, A. Goldwurm, K. Goluchová, D. Götz, C. Gouiffes, M. Grassi, P. Groot, M. Gschwender, L. Gualtieri, C. Guidorzi, L. Guy, D. Haas, P. Haensel, M. Hailey, F. Hansen, D. Hartmann, C. A. Haswell, K. Hebeler, A. Heger, W. Hermsen, J. Homan, A. Hornstrup, R. Hudec, J. Huovelin, A. Ingram, J. In't Zand, G. Israel, K. Iwasawa, L. Izzo, H. Jacobs, F. Jetter, T. Johannsen, P. Jonker, J. Josè, P. Kaaret, G. Kanbach, V. Karas, D. Karelin, D. Kataria, L. Keek, T. Kennedy, D. Klochkov, W. Kluzniak, K. Kokkotas, S. Korpela, C. Kouveliotou, I. Kreykenbohm, L. Kuiper, I. Kuvvetli, C. Labanti, D. Lai, F. Lamb, P. Laubert, F. Lebrun, D. Lin, D. Linder, G. Lodato, F. Longo, N. Lund, T. J. Maccarone, D. Macera, S. Maestre, S. Mahmoodifar, D. Maier, P. Malcovati, I. Mandel, V. Mangano, A. Manousakis, M. Marisaldi, A. Markowitz, A. Martindale, G. Matt, I. McHardy, A. Melatos, M. Mendez, S. Mereghetti, M. Michalska, S. Migliari, R. Mignani, M. C. Miller, J. M. Miller, T. Mineo, G. Miniutti, S. Morsink, C. Motch, S. Motta, M. Mouchet, G. Mouret, J. Mulačová, F. Muleri, T. Muñoz-Darias, I. Negueruela, J. Neilsen, A. Norton, M. Nowak, P. O'Brien, P. E. H. Olsen, M. Orienti, M. Orio, M. Orlandini, P. Orleański, J. Osborne, R. Osten, F. Ozel, L. Pacciani, M. Paolillo, A. Papitto, J. Paredes, A. Patruno, B. Paul, E. Perinati, A. Pellizzoni, A. V. Penacchioni, M. A. Perez, V. Petracek, C. Pittori, J. Pons, J. Portell, A. Possenti, J. Poutanen, M. Prakash, P. Le Provost, D. Psaltis, D. Rambaud, P. Ramon, G. Ramsay, M. Rapisarda, A. Rachevski, I. Rashevskaya, P. Ray, N. Rea, S. Reddy, P. Reig, M. Reina Aranda, R. Remillard, C. Reynolds, L. Rezzolla, M. Ribo, R. de la Rie, A. Riggio, A. Rios, P. Rodríguez-Gil, J. Rodriguez, R. Rohlfs, P. Romano, E. M. R. Rossi, A. Rozanska, A. Rousseau, F. Ryde, L. Sabau-Graziati, G. Sala, R. Salvaterra, A. Sanna, J. Sandberg, S. Scaringi, S. Schanne, J. Schee, C. Schmid, S. Shore, R. Schneider, A. Schwenk, A. Schwope, J.-Y. Seyler, A. Shearer, A. Smith, D. Smith, P. Smith, V. Sochora, P. Soffitta, P. Soleri, A. Spencer, B. Stappers, A. Steiner, N. Stergioulas, G. Stratta, T. Strohmayer, Z. Stuchlik, S. Suchy, V. Sulemainov, T. Takahashi, F. Tamburini, T. Tauris, C. Tenzer, L. Tolos, F. Tombesi, J. Tomsick, G. Torok, J. M. Torrejon, D. F. Torres, A. Tramacere, A. Trois, R. Turolla, S. Turriziani, P. Uter, P. Uttley, A. Vacchi, P. Varniere, S. Vaughan, S. Vercellone, V. Vrba, D. Walton, S. Watanabe, R. Wawrzaszek, N. Webb, N. Weinberg, H. Wende, P. Wheatley, R. Wijers, R. Wijnands, M. Wille, C. Wilson-Hodge, B. Winter, K. Wood, G. Zampa, N. Zampa, L. Zampieri, L. Zdunik, A. Zdziarski, B. Zhang, F. Zwart, M. Ayre, T. Boenke, C. Corral van Damme, Erik Kuulkers, D. Lumb
The Large Observatory For x-ray Timing (LOFT) was studied within ESA M3 Cosmic Vision framework and participated in the final downselection for a launch slot in 2022-2024. Thanks to the unprecedented combination of effective area and spectral resolution of its main instrument, LOFT will study the behaviour of matter under extreme conditions, such as the strong gravitational field in the innermost regions of accretion flows close to black holes and neutron stars, and the supranuclear densities in the interior of neutron stars. The science payload is based on a Large Area Detector (LAD, 10 m2 effective area, 2-30 keV, 240 eV spectral resolution, 1° collimated field of view) and a Wide Field Monitor (WFM, 2-50 keV, 4 steradian field of view, 1 arcmin source location accuracy, 300 eV spectral resolution). The WFM is equipped with an on-board system for bright events (e.g. GRB) localization. The trigger time and position of these events are broadcast to the ground within 30 s from discovery. In this paper we present the status of the mission at the end of its Phase A study.
The focal plane array of the Euclid VIS instrument comprises 36 large area, back-illuminated, red-enhanced CCD detectors (designated CCD 273). These CCDs were specified by the Euclid VIS instrument team in close collaboration with ESA and e2v technologies. Prototypes were fabricated and tested through an ESA pre-development activity and the contract to qualify and manufacture flight CCDs is now underway. This paper describes the CCD requirements, the design (and design drivers) for the CCD and package, the current status of the CCD production programme and a summary of key performance measurements.
M. Feroci, J. den Herder, E. Bozzo, D. Barret, S. Brandt, M. Hernanz, M. van der Klis, M. Pohl, A. Santangelo, L. Stella, A. Watts, J. Wilms, S. Zane, M. Ahangarianabhari, A. Alpar, D. Altamirano, L. Alvarez, L. Amati, C. Amoros, N. Andersson, A. Antonelli, A. Argan, R. Artigue, P. Azzarello, G. Baldazzi, S. Balman, M. Barbera, T. Belloni, G. Bertuccio, S. Bianchi, A. Bianchini, P. Bodin, J.-M. Bonnet Bidaud, S. Boutloukos, J. Braga, E. Brown, N. Bucciantini, L. Burderi, M. Bursa, C. Budtz-Jørgensen, E. Cackett, F. Cadoux, P. Cais, G. Caliandro, R. Campana, S. Campana, P. Casella, D. Chakrabarty, J. Chenevez, J. Coker, R. Cole, A. Collura, T. Courvoisier, A. Cros, A. Cumming, G. Cusumano, A. D'Ai, V. D'Elia, E. Del Monte, D. de Martino, A. De Rosa, S. Di Cosimo, S. Diebold, T. Di Salvo, I. Donnarumma, A. Drago, M. Durant, D. Emmanoulopoulos, Y. Evangelista, A. Fabian, M. Falanga, Y. Favre, C. Feldman, C. Ferrigno, M. Finger, G. Fraser, F. Fuschino, D. Galloway, J. Galvez Sanchez, E. Garcia-Berro, B. Gendre, S. Gezari, A. Giles, M. Gilfanov, P. Giommi, G. Giovannini, M. Giroletti, A. Goldwurm, D. Götz, C. Gouiffes, M. Grassi, P. Groot, C. Guidorzi, D. Haas, F. Hansen, D. Hartmann, C. A. Haswell, A. Heger, J. Homan, A. Hornstrup, R. Hudec, J. Huovelin, A. Ingram, J. J. In't Zand, J. Isern, G. Israel, L. Izzo, P. Jonker, P. Kaaret, V. Karas, D. Karelin, D. Kataria, L. Keek, T. Kennedy, D. Klochkov, W. Kluzniak, K. Kokkotas, S. Korpela, C. Kouveliotou, I. Kreykenbohm, L. Kuiper, I. Kuvvetli, C. Labanti, D. Lai, F. Lamb, F. Lebrun, D. Lin, D. Linder, G. Lodato, F. Longo, N. Lund, T. Maccarone, D. Macera, D. Maier, P. Malcovati, V. Mangano, A. Manousakis, M. Marisaldi, A. Markowitz, A. Martindale, G. Matt, I. McHardy, A. Melatos, M. Mendez, S. Migliari, R. Mignani, M. Miller, J. Miller, T. Mineo, G. Miniutti, S. Morsink, C. Motch, S. Motta, M. Mouchet, F. Muleri, A. Norton, M. Nowak, P. O'Brien, M. Orienti, M. Orio, M. Orlandini, P. Orleanski, J. Osborne, R. Osten, F. Ozel, L. Pacciani, A. Papitto, B. Paul, E. Perinati, V. Petracek, J. Portell, J. Poutanen, D. Psaltis, D. Rambaud, G. Ramsay, M. Rapisarda, A. Rachevski, P. Ray, N. Rea, S. Reddy, P. Reig, M. Reina Aranda, R. Remillard, C. Reynolds, P. Rodríguez-Gil, J. Rodriguez, P. Romano, E. M. Rossi, F. Ryde, L. Sabau-Graziati, G. Sala, R. Salvaterra, A. Sanna, S. Schanne, J. Schee, C. Schmid, A. Schwenk, A. Schwope, J.-Y. Seyler, A. Shearer, A. Smith, D. Smith, P. Smith, V. Sochora, P. Soffitta, P. Soleri, B. Stappers, B. Steltzer, N. Stergioulas, G. Stratta, T. Strohmayer, Z. Stuchlik, S. Suchy, V. Sulemainov, T. Takahashi, F. Tamburini, C. Tenzer, L. Tolos, G. Torok, J. Torrejon, D. Torres, A. Tramacere, A. Trois, S. Turriziani, P. Uter, P. Uttley, A. Vacchi, P. Varniere, S. Vaughan, S. Vercellone, V. Vrba, D. Walton, S. Watanabe, R. Wawrzaszek, N. Webb, N. Weinberg, H. Wende, P. Wheatley, R. Wijers, R. Wijnands, M. Wille, C. Wilson-Hodge, B. Winter, K. Wood, G. Zampa, N. Zampa, L. Zampieri, A. Zdziarski, B. Zhang
The LOFT mission concept is one of four candidates selected by ESA for the M3 launch opportunity as Medium Size missions of the Cosmic Vision programme. The launch window is currently planned for between 2022 and 2024. LOFT is designed to exploit the diagnostics of rapid X-ray flux and spectral variability that directly probe the motion of matter down to distances very close to black holes and neutron stars, as well as the physical state of ultradense matter. These primary science goals will be addressed by a payload composed of a Large Area Detector (LAD) and a Wide Field Monitor (WFM). The LAD is a collimated (<1 degree field of view) experiment operating in the energy range 2-50 keV, with a 10 m2 peak effective area and an energy resolution of 260 eV at 6 keV. The WFM will operate in the same energy range as the LAD, enabling simultaneous monitoring of a few-steradian wide field of view, with an angular resolution of <5 arcmin. The LAD and WFM experiments will allow us to investigate variability from submillisecond QPO’s to yearlong transient outbursts. In this paper we report the current status of the project.
KEYWORDS: Charge-coupled devices, Calibration, Point spread functions, Galactic astronomy, Sensors, Staring arrays, Camera shutters, Space operations, Radiation effects, Imaging systems
Euclid-VIS is a large format visible imager for the ESA Euclid space mission in their Cosmic Vision program, scheduled
for launch in 2019. Together with the near infrared imaging within the NISP instrument it forms the basis of the weak
lensing measurements of Euclid. VIS will image in a single r+i+z band from 550-900 nm over a field of view of ~0.5
deg2. By combining 4 exposures with a total of 2240 sec, VIS will reach to V=24.5 (10σ) for sources with extent ~0.3
arcsec. The image sampling is 0.1 arcsec. VIS will provide deep imaging with a tightly controlled and stable point spread
function (PSF) over a wide survey area of 15000 deg2 to measure the cosmic shear from nearly 1.5 billion galaxies to
high levels of accuracy, from which the cosmological parameters will be measured. In addition, VIS will also provide a
legacy imaging dataset with an unprecedented combination of spatial resolution, depth and area covering most of the
extra-Galactic sky. Here we will present the results of the study carried out by the Euclid Consortium during the Euclid
Definition phase.
Euclid is a space-borne survey mission developed and operated by ESA. It is designed to understand the origin of the
Universe's accelerating expansion. Euclid will use cosmological probes to investigate the nature of dark energy, dark
matter and gravity by tracking their observational signatures on the geometry of the Universe and on the history of
structure formation. The mission is optimised for the measurement of two independent cosmological probes: weak
gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering. The payload consists of a 1.2 m Korsch telescope designed to provide a large
field of view. The light is directed to two instruments provided by the Euclid Consortium: a visual imager (VIS) and a
near-infrared spectrometer-photometer (NISP). Both instruments cover a large common field of view of 0.54 deg2, to be
able to survey at least 15,000 deg2 for a nominal mission of 6 years. An overview of the mission will be presented: the
scientific objectives, payload, satellite, and science operations. We report on the status of the Euclid mission with a
foreseen launch in 2019.
The ORIGIN concept is a space mission with a gamma ray, an X-ray and an optical telescope to observe the gamma ray
bursts at large Z to determine the composition and density of the intergalactic matter in the line of sight. It was an answer
to the ESA M3 call for proposal. The optical telescope is a 0.7-m F/1 with a very small instrument box containing 3
instruments: a slitless spectrograph with a resolution of 20, a multi-imager giving images of a field in 4 bands
simultaneously, and a cross-dispersed Échelle spectrograph giving a resolution of 1000. The wavelength range is 0.5 μm
to 1.7 μm. All instruments fit together in a box of 80 mm x 80 mm x 200 mm. The low resolution spectrograph uses a
very compact design including a special triplet. It contains only spherical surfaces except for one tilted cylindrical
surface to disperse the light. To reduce the need for a high precision pointing, an Advanced Image Slicer was added in
front of the high resolution spectrograph. This spectrograph uses a simple design with only one mirror for the collimator
and another for the camera. The Imager contains dichroics to separate the bandwidths and glass thicknesses to
compensate the differences in path length. All 3 instruments use the same 2k x 2k detector simultaneously so that
telescope pointing and tip-tilt control of a fold mirror permit to place the gamma ray burst on the desired instrument
without any other mechanism.
KEYWORDS: Image compression, Charge-coupled devices, Data compression, Interfaces, Data processing, Electronics, Imaging systems, Image processing, Detection and tracking algorithms, Control systems
The Command and Data Processing Unit (CDPU) of the Euclid Visible Imager is one of the two warm electronics units
of the instrument. It implements on one side the digital interface to the satellite, for telecommands acquisition and
telemetry downloading, and on the other side the interface to the focal plane CCDs readout electronics, for science data
acquisition and compression. The CDPU main functionalities include the instrument commanding, control and health
monitoring. The baseline unit architecture is presented, reporting the results of the phase B1 study and of the trade-off
activity carried out to check the performances of the SW implementation of two different lossless compression
algorithms on the baseline target processor (LEON3-FT) and on a HW compressor.
Stephan Birkmann, Torsten Böker, Pierre Ferruit, Giovanna Giardino, Peter Jakobsen, Guido de Marchi, Marco Sirianni, Maurice te Plate, Jean-Christophe Savignol, Xavier Gnata, Thomas Wettemann, Bernhard Dorner, Giovanni Cresci, Fabiàn Rosales-Ortega, Martin Stuhlinger, Richard Cole, Jason Tandy, Chris Brockley-Blatt
KEYWORDS: Calibration, Argon, James Webb Space Telescope, Lamps, Instrument modeling, Spectrographs, Data modeling, Space telescopes, Optical filters, Cryogenics
The Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) is one of four science instruments aboard the James Webb Space
Telescope (JWST) that is to be launched later this decade. NIRSpec is sensitive in the wavelength range from 0.6
to 5.0 μm and operates at temperatures ≤ 40 K. It offers multi-object, fixed slit, and integral field spectroscopy
with seven selectable dispersers. The on-ground spectrophotometric calibration of the instrument is performed
by means of continuum and line emission lamps. NIRSpec also contains an internal calibration assembly (CAA)
that will provide the wavelength and radiometric calibration in orbit. Due to thermal constraints, the CAA
features low power tungsten filament lamps in combination with long-pass and Fabry-Perot-like interference
filters, which need to be calibrated at instrument level. We will report on the wavelength calibration of the
NIRSpec flight model and the CAA, carried out during the first cryogenic performance testing.
Euclid-VIS is a large format visible imager under investigation for the ESA Euclid space mission in their Cosmic Vision
program. Together with the near infrared photometer (NIP) it forms the basis of the weak lensing measurements of
Euclid. VIS will image in a single r+i+z band from 550-920 nm over a field of view of ~0.5 deg2. Over 4 exposures
totalling 1800 sec, VIS will reach to V=24.9 (10σ) for sources with extent ~0.3 arcsec. The image sampling is 0.1
arcsec. VIS will provide deep imaging with a tightly controlled and stable PSF over a wide surcey area of of 20000 deg2
to measure the cosmic shear from over 2 billion galaxies to high levels of accuracy, from which the cosmological
parameters will be measured. In addition, VIS will also provide a legacy deep imaging dataset of unprecedented spatial
resolution over the entire extra-Galactic sky. Here we will present the results of the study carried out by the Euclid
Imaging Consortium during the Euclid Assessment Phase.
The alignment of the JWST NIRSpec spectrograph will use a customised set of optical light sources, imagers and wavefront sensors, which form part of the Optical Ground Support Equipment (OGSE). This has been developed by the Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL) and the Centre for Advanced Instrumentation (CfAI) to be used at the Astrium GmbH, Ottobrunn (Germany) during NIRSpec integration. This paper describes the five precision illumination sources which form a key part of NIRSpec OGSE, and the optomechanical design of the three Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors used.
The Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument is an Earth observing scientific payload launched on-board the European Space Agency Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite in September 2002. The instrument measures reflected and emitted radiation in two wavebands, 0.3 - 4 μm and 4 - 30 μm. The focal plane consists of a 256-element thermoelectric linear array operating at ~300 K and four application specific integrated circuits (ASIC) providing parallel amplification, filtering and digitisation. This paper describes in detail the design, operation and performance of the GERB focal plane array.
Mark Sims, C. Pillinger, I. Wright, G. Morgan, George Fraser, D. Pullan, S. Whitehead, J. Dowson, Richard Cole, Alan Wells, L. Richter, H. Kochan, Hans Hamacher, Alan Johnstone, A. Coates, S. Peskett, A. Brack, J. Clemmet, R. Slade, N. Phillips, C. Berry, A. Senior, J. Lingard, J. Underwood, John Zarnecki, Mark Towner, M. Leese, A. Gambier-Parry, Nicolas Thomas, Jean-Luc Josset, G. Klingelhoefer
The 60 kg Beagle 2 lander for ESA's 2003 Mars Express mission will be described. Beagle 2 will search for organic material on and below the surface of Mars in addition to a study of the inorganic chemistry and mineralogy of the landing site. The lander will utilize a mechanical mole and grinder to obtain samples from below the surface, under rocks, and inside rocks. Such samples will be returned to the lander for detailed analysis. Analysis will include examination of samples and rocks and soils with an optical microscope and X-ray Spectrometer and Mossbauer Spectrometers as well as a search for organics and a measurement of their isotopic composition. The lander systems design as well as the experiment configuration will be described along with the status of the project.
The Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument employs a 256 element thermoelectric linear array. As part of the read-out electronics, a custom ASIC has been developed which provides parallel signal processing and digitization for 64 detector pixels. Four of these ASICs combine to provide complete detector read-out, culminating in a single serial digital interface for data output. We present details of the operation and performance of the ASIC achieved as part of the GERB focal plane assembly (FPA).
The construction and testing of the detector system for the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument has proved to be technically challenging in a number of areas. The detector system consists of an uncooled linear array of 256 thermoelectric pixels with 4 Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) to perform front end analogue signal processing, A/D conversion and multiplexing. The design of the detector and of the ASICs represents considerable development effort to meet, in particular, requirements of low noise and broad band spectral response and the designs have been presented in previous papers. The assembly and integration of the components into a suitably packaged flight focal plane assembly (FPA) has also been challenging, requiring a solution which would allow for individual testing of components before commitment to assembly into the focal plane package. Having assembled and qualified several detector systems, the characterization and performance of the flight detector system is presented in this paper.
The Geostationary Earth radiation Budget (GERB) instrument will play an important role in Earth Observation Science, when it is launched on ESA's Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite in 2000. The purpose of the instrument is to measure the reflected and emitted radiation of the Earth over at least a five year period, to an accuracy better than 1% within a 15 minute observation period. These scientific requirements have resulted in a detector system comprising several technological advances. The detector chosen for this instrument is a 256 pixel linear array of thermoelectric (TE) elements operating at room temperature. Based on an existing commercial design, the detector has pushed micromachined thermoelectric arrays to its limits to achieve the noise requirements. The spectral requirements of the instrument to give a flat spectral response over the 0.32 - 30 micrometer range has necessitated the blacking of the TE array. Blacking such small area arrays is a novel application and presented several problems during the course of the development. The signal conditioning electronics, consisting of 4 Application Specific Integrated Circuits, performs front end analogue signal processing, A/D conversion and multiplexing. The design of the detector system is presented in this paper, with the packaging, signal processing and blacking described in some detail.
Mark Sims, C. Pillinger, I. Wright, Richard Cole, S. Whitehead, Alan Wells, K. Wittmann, L. Richter, H. Kochan, Hans Hamacher, Alan Johnstone, K. Rees, R. Turner, S. Peskett, A. Brack, J. Hobbs, L. Berthoud, R. Durrant, J. Higgins, J. Windsor, Horst Keller, H. Rosenbauer, Nicolas Thomas, J. Lingard, J. Underwood, Gerhard Neukum
The proposed Beagle 2 lander for ESA's 2003 Mars Express mission will be described. The aim of Beagle 2 will be to search for organic material on and below the surface of Mars in addition to a study of the inorganic chemistry and mineralogy of the landing site. The lander will utilize a small rover equipped with a mechanical and grinder to obtained samples from below the surface, under rocks, and inside rocks. Samples will be returned to the lander for analysis. Analysis performed by Beagle 2 will include examination of samples with an optical microscope and APX and Mossbauer Spectrometers as well as a search for organics and a measurement of their isotopic composition. The lander systems design as well as the experiment configuration will be described.
The Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument is to be flown on ESA's Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite in 2000. The purpose of the instrument is to measure accurately the daily cycle of the reflected and emitted radiation of the Earth over at least a five year period. The measurements will be made from geostationary orbit and will complement those planned from instruments in low Earth polar orbits. The data from GERB will provide the first consistent measurements of the hour-by-hour variation of clouds and simultaneous measurements of the radiation balance, and will allow climate models to be further developed and validated. The instrument will accumulate images of the Earth disc every 15 minutes in wavebands of 0.32 - 4.0 pm and 0.32 - 30 im with a nadir resolution of 50 km. The detector for this instrument consists of a 256 pixel linear array of thermoelectric (TE) elements. The TB array operates at room temperature and is blacked to give a flat spectral response over the 0.32 - 30 im band. The detector hybrid consists of the 256pixel detector plus 4 Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), comprising 64 channels each, which perform front end analogue signal processing, A/D conversion and multiplexing. As the MSG platform is spin-stabilised, the Earth image is stabilised on the detector using a de-spin mirror and is only present on the detector for 40 ms. Integration of the signal over the 40 ms and taken over a 15 minute observation period enables the radiance in both long and short wavebands to be measured to an accuracy better than 1%. The detector concept is described and test results of a prototype system are presented. Keywords: JR detectors, thermoelectric, gold black, EOS
Techniques for searching for life on Mars will be explored. Work on earth has shown that permafrost and evaporites contain large amounts of bacteria--when this is combined with knowledge of micro-organism hibernation this leads to obvious places in which to search for both extinct and extant life. Great emphasis has been placed on complicated experiments that can only be used at limited locations and in very limited numbers to search for life on Mars, but simple low volume experiments measuring pH, opacity and impedance/conductance could be developed. These would be used to identify potential areas of interest or samples of interest, as well as elucidate Martian geochemistry. The concepts behind these will be explored and examined. The development challenges and Earth based control experiments required will also be outlined. It should be possible to develop relatively cheap experiments that can be used to obtain and sample subsurface materials from a range of locations on Mars.
The European photon imaging camera (EPIC) is one of the two main instruments onboard the ESA X-Ray Cornerstone Mission XMM. It is devoted to performing imaging and spectroscopy of the x-ray sky in the domain 0.1 10 keV with a peak sensitivity in 105 seconds of 2 multiplied by 10-15 erg/cm-2. The x-ray instrumentation is complemented by a radiation monitor which will measure the particle background. The spectral resolution is approximately 140 eV at 6.4 keV and 60 eV at 1 keV. The instrumentation consists of three separate focal plane cameras at the focus of the three XMM telescopes, containing CCDs passively cooled to typically minus 100 degrees via radiators pointing toward the anti-Sun direction. The two cameras with the field of view partially occulted by the RGS grating boxes will have MOS technology CCDs while the third camera, with full field of view, will be based on p-n technology. The CCDs in the focal plane of the cameras will cover the entire 30 foot by 30 foot field of view of the telescope while the pixel size (40 by 40 (mu) for the MOS camera and 150 multiplied by 150 (mu) for the p-n) will be adequate to sample the approximately 20' PSF of the mirrors. In order to cope with a wide range of sky background and source luminosity in the visible/UV band, a filter wheel with six positions has been implemented in each camera. The six positions correspond to: open position, closed position, one thin filter (1600 angstrom of plastic support and 400 angstrom of Al), one medium filter (1600 angstrom of plastic support and 800 angstrom of Al) and one thick filter (approximately 3000 angstrom of plastic support, approximately 1000 angstrom of Al and 300 Angstrom of Sn). The final position will be a redundant filter of type still to be decided. A set of radioactive sources in each camera will allow the calibration of the CCDs in any of the operating modes and with any filter wheel position. Vacuum doors and valves operated will allow the operation of other camera heads on the ground, in a vacuum chamber and/or in a controlled atmosphere, and will protect the CCDs from contamination until the spacecraft is safely in orbit. The MOS camera will have 7 CCDs, each of 600 by 600 pixels arranged in a hexagonal pattern with one central and six peripheral. The p-n camera head will have 12 CCDs, each with 200 multiplied by 64 pixels, in a rectangular arrangement, 4 quadrants of 3 CCDs each. The radiation monitor is based on two separate detectors to monitor the low (electrons greater than 30 keV) and the high (electrons greater than 200 keV and protons greater than 10 MeV) energy particles impinging on the telescope along its orbit.
The capabilities of the European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC), the main instrument of ESA's 'Cornerstone' mission in X-ray astronomy with multiple mirrors (XMM), are discussed. The CCD characteristics, spatial resolution, energy bandpass and faint source sensitivity, spectral resolution and sensitivity, and timing capability are addressed, and the scientific rationale of the EPIC is summarized. The EPIC instrument system concept is briefly described.
The main design features and the early findings of the Rosat XUV wide field camera (WFC) are discussed. The most important data on the WFC telescope and detectors are presented. The WFC operational features, observing efficiency, filter performance, thermal performance star tracker performance, and single-event upsets are discussed. The first WFC images are compared with preflight calibration data.
The ROSAT project is an international collaboration between the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The satellite, due to be launched in June 1990, carries a payload of two coaligned imaging telescopes: the German X-Ray Telescope (XRT), which operates in the soft x-ray band (0.1 to 2 keV or 6 to 100 A), and the UK Wide Field Camera (WFC), which operates in the XUV band (0.02 to 0.2 keV or 60 to 600 A). ROSAT will perform two main tasks in its anticipated two to four year lifetime: a six-month all-sky survey in the soft x ray and XUV bands followed by a program of pointed observations for detailed studies of thousands of individual targets. In this paper we review the
design and performance of the WFC. The instrument is a grazing incidence telescope comprising a set of three nested, Wolter-Schwarzschild Type I, gold-coated aluminum mirrors with a microchannel plate detector at their common focus. Thin plastic and metal film filters define the wavelength passbands.
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