To investigate the origin of the deep-notch in the modulation response of multi-mode vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) that occurs at low frequencies, the carrier transport and the mode intensity nonuniformity effects are considered in this work. The model that includes the carrier transport effect is a possible candidate to explain the deep-notch behavior, as it introduces a first-order low-pass filter to the pure intrinsic transfer function. Nevertheless, the expected dynamic characteristics of this filter for high-performance VCSELs, disfavor the transport effect as a possible candidate. Therefore, to fully rule out its impact, we optimized the transport theory by first considering both the transverse and longitudinal carrier transport effects, and second by including the frequency dependence of the transport factor into the derivation of the VCSELs’ dynamic transfer function. Taking all these factors into consideration, however, did not result in a significant improvement in the resulting transfer function form and order. Thus, a second effect, which is the mode intensity nonuniformity effect, is favored as a possible candidate to explain the deep-notch phenomenon. In this effect, the spatial nonuniformity of the transverse optical mode in the radial direction results in concentric disk-like regions with different dynamic properties under small signal modulation. At low driving currents, the model predicts a notch ahead of the relaxation oscillation frequency. This notch is caused by a low frequency roll-off resulting from the spatial nonuniformity of the optical transverse mode. The proposed model introduces a ratio containing a pole and a zero to the pure intrinsic transfer function and can very accurately fit the deep-notch in the measured modulation response. Furthermore, this fitting results in the extraction of very reliable performance indicators. A second topic that is also presented in this work is about the dynamics of the mode resolved modulation response. To achieve a higher bandwidths, it is necessary to study the mode ensemble resolved modulation characteristics of the intrinsic dynamics. Based on the novel carrier-reservoir splitting approach, analytical expressions for the dynamics in the two spatially separated central and peripheral regions are derived.
Realizing that vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) are continuously breaking higher bandwidth limits, it is essential to understand their basic material constituting properties and extract their physical characteristics, in order to fine tune their high-speed performance. Throughout the past decade, the device performance was continuously optimized towards higher bandwidths, faster data rates, and efficient operation. Therefore, for a successful further optimization of their dynamic characteristics, the extraction of a reliable set of their physical parameters becomes indispensable. Consequently, the main objective of this work is to provide accurate physical parameter values of cutting-edge high-speed VCSELs. The extraction process of these set of parameters is based on the novel intrinsic and extrinsic dynamic models that were recently developed by our research group. For the intrinsic dynamics, the advanced split carrier reservoir multimode model is employed. Furthermore, the pure intrinsic modulation response is de-embedded from the total measured device response using our recently proposed novel parasitic-network model. Moreover, the extraction of these device physical parameters is based on the device’s performance indicators, such as the relaxation oscillation frequencies and damping coefficients obtained by fitting the intrinsic model to the measured modulation data. Furthermore, since these performance indicators can be expressed in terms of a combination of these physical parameters, a precise estimation of their values and their possible ranges, along with a carefully designed fitting process, is crucial. Consequently, for extracting a reliable set of data, the accurate prior estimation of these parameters was conducted based on the device physical structure and reported material properties, leading to the establishment of an accurate set of parameters along with their possible ranges. These final calculations are based on simple device geometrical considerations, reported physical and material properties and device static performance measurements. Finally, the estimated values and their ranges are further validated by comparing them to ones in standard literature.
We present monolithic 910-nm high power vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) module suitable for longdistance LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). The 910-nm high-power VCSEL array is finely designed and fabricated. The output power of a single VCSEL array (163 devices) reaches nearly 2 W under QCW operation, without being cooled. Driven by the external current source, the peak output power of a single VCSEL array reaches 25.5 W under pulsed operation with a repetition frequency of 10 kHz and a pulse width of 30 ns. To improve the pusled performance of VCSEL array, the monolithic VCSEL array module with integrated driver is developed. The peak output power of this module reaches nearly 85W. And its optical pulse width is 22 ns only. Thus integrated driver circuits demonstrate much better pulsed properties. The ranging setup is built and the detection distance of more than 20 m is realized. We believe that this monolithic VCSEL array with high power, dense package and superior impulse response has great commercial potential in future applications requiring intelligent driving like LIDAR for automotive.
To establish highly performing vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), it is essential to have an adequate understanding of the intrinsic laser dynamics of these devices. However, this is done while bearing in mind that extrinsic parasitic elements in VCSELs play an important role in limiting the intrinsic modulation bandwidth. Compared to largesignal analyses, the small-signal modulation response of a VCSEL can be isolated from the entire system, thus providing accurate information on the intrinsic laser dynamics. An alternative approach to that of using the rate equations is to transform theses rate equations to an equivalent circuit model. In this work, we firstly present advanced electrical circuit modeling of the intrinsic dynamic performance of multi-mode VCSELs, for the case where lasing modes do not share a common carrier reservoir. The electrical circuit model is derived from innovative advanced multi-mode rate equations that take into account the effect of spatial hole burning, gain compression, and inhomogeneity in the injection current. Secondly, we analyse different electrical parasitic equivalent circuit models in the aim of comparing them and selecting the one that can best describe and represent the physical properties of our high-performance VCSELs. Through measuring the microwave reflection coefficient S11(f) and fitting it into the calculated counterpart from the equivalent-circuit impedance model, the parasitic components of the equivalent circuit model are extracted.
An innovative model to describe the small-signal modulation response of high-speed multi-mode vertical-cavity surfaceemitting lasers (VCSELs) is presented. Using an advanced theoretical approach, multi-mode rate equations for these VCSELs are established. Moreover, in order to characterize the dynamic performance, a comprehensive analytical fitting function based on this novel approach is derived. This allows the extraction of consistently expanded figures of merit for these laser devices. The main concept of our novel approach is based on carrier reservoir splitting. This is a result of numerous effects such as mode competition and spatial hole burning (SHB). Furthermore, compared to other standard approaches, our novel model includes the effects of carrier diffusion, gain compression and inhomogeneous current injection. Beside the traditionally extracted figures of merit, this model gives insight into photon lifetime and the local distribution of the injection current.
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) have emerged as a pioneering solution for many high-speed data communication challenges. Compared to large-signal analyses, the small-signal modulation response of a VCSEL can be isolated from the entire system, thus providing accurate information on the intrinsic laser dynamics. An alternative approach to that of using the rate equations is to transform theses rate equations to an equivalent circuit model. The dynamic operation characteristics including the device-circuit interaction can then be modeled and optimized using a circuit simulation software. Until now, it was assumed that the dynamic behavior of oxide-confined multi-mode VCSELs can be modeled using the single-mode rate equations developed for edge-emitters, even though the deviation between the single-mode based model and the measured data is substantially large. Furthermore, equivalent electrical circuit modeling of the VCSELs’ intrinsic dynamics was only done by modeling derived from the single-mode rate equations. Therefore, a new electrical circuit model, that can accurately describe the dynamic behavior of these VCSELs, is needed. In this work, electrical circuit modeling of the dynamic performance of multi-mode VCSELs, for the case where lasing modes do not share a common carrier reservoir, is presented. The electrical circuit model is derived from innovative advanced multi-mode rate equations that take into account the effect of spatial hole burning, gain compression, and inhomogeneity in the carrier distribution. The validity of the model is affirmed through experimental data fittings and plots of their modulation response are presented.
To establish highly performing vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), it is essential to have an adequate understanding of the intrinsic laser dynamics of these devices. However, this is done while bearing in mind that extrinsic parasitic elements in VCSELs play an important role in limiting the intrinsic modulation bandwidth. In this work, we analyse different electrical parasitic equivalent circuit models in the aim of comparing them and selecting the one that can best describe and represent the physical properties of our high-performance VCSELs. Through measuring the microwave reflection coefficient S11(f), then fitting it with the calculated one from the equivalent circuit impedance model, the parasitic components of the equivalent circuit model can be extracted. The S11(f) data was collected over different ranges of operating bias currents and using a 7 μm oxide aperture diameter VCSEL. This allows us to observe the variations of these circuit elements with respect to the current and compute the transfer function and the resulting parasitic cut-off frequencies (bandwidth limitation) for each model. After plotting and comparing the transfer functions of the different models together, under the same driving current, it was found that the discrepancy between the two curves, in a specific frequency range, is rather small over the VCSEL bandwidth of interest, hence allowing us to use the first-order low pass filter to de-embed the parasitic contributions and separate them from the device intrinsic response. However, over higher frequency ranges, the deviation is found to be substantial and the extract parasitic transfer function should be taken into consideration.
Another issue to be addressed is the reliability of the simple circuit models to extract accurate circuit component values, especially when the deviation between the measured microwave reflection coefficient S11(f) and the fitted model is substantially large. This discrepancy is due to the oversimplification imposed on the equivalent circuit model, leading to a high level of uncertainty in the extracted circuit component values. Thus, sufficient modelling and accurate fitting strategies are needed for a reliable parasitic de-embedding approach.
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) have emerged as a pioneering solution for many high-speed data
communication challenges. Therefore, higher bandwidth optical interconnects with data rates in the range of 100 Gbit/s
require directly modulated VCSELs with ultimate speed ratings. The small-signal modulation response of a VCSEL can
be isolated from the entire system, thus providing accurate information on the intrinsic laser dynamics. Until now, it is
assumed that the dynamic behavior of oxide-confined multi-mode VCSELs can be fully modeled using the single-mode
rate equations developed for edge-emitters, even though the deviation between the single-mode based model and the
measured data is substantially large. Using an advanced theoretical approach, rate equations for multi-mode VCSELs
were developed and the small-signal modulation response of ultra-high speed devices with split carrier reservoirs
corresponding with the resonating modes were analyzed. Based on this theoretical work, and including gain compression
in the model, the analyzed VCSELs showed modulation bandwidth around and exceeding 30 GHz. The common set of
figures of merit is extended consistently to explain dynamic properties caused by the coupling of the different reservoirs.
Furthermore, beside damping and relaxation oscillation frequency, the advanced model, with gain compression included,
can reveal information on the photon lifetime and highlights high-speed effects such as reduced damping in VCSELs due
to a negative gain compression factor.
With the increasing bandwidth demand of optical interconnects, directly modulated VCSELs with ultimate speed ratings are needed [1]. For serial 100 Gbps solutions, today´s VCSELs have to increase their high-speed performance. Here we report about our next generation devices. The devices discussed here are an optimized version of our very successful high-speed, temperature-stable 980 nm VCSELs [2], and serve as reference-structure for high-contrast-grating high-speed VCSELs, which are in fabrication. Sharing the very short half-lambda cavity and a binary bottom-mirror with 32 pairs, levels are further optimized in order to minimize internal loss. Like previously, parasitics are controlled by two oxide apertures and highly conducting current-spreading layers. InGaAs MQW active layers with strain compensated GaAsP barriers were utilized for high differential gain. The 22 -pair Al12Ga88As/Al90Ga10As top-mirror was replaced by an 18-pair GaAs/Al90Ga10As mirror for lower photon lifetime, better confinement and better heat extraction. The epistructure was grown by IQE Europe. A similar structure with a high-contrast-grating (HCG) mirror is in process. A detailed small-signal analysis is performed. The VCSELs showed modulation bandwidth around and exceeding 30 GHz. The measured data was fitted to single-mode and multi-mode rate-equation based models assuming selforganized carrier reservoirs formed by spatial hole burning. The common set of figures of merit is extended consistently to explain dynamic properties caused by carrier fluctuations. Mode control, which can ideally be performed by high-contrast-gratings, seems essential for next generation highspeed VCSEL devices.
High Contrast Gratings (HCG) have become a hot research topic, because of their new functionalities at very small
volumes. However no efficient 3D VCSEL model capable to account for HCG has been reported so far. HCG design is
therefore mainly based on 1D simulations. For realistic structures usually FDTD is the most popular approach, with its
well known cumbersome computation drawbacks. VELM code,1 the well established VCSEL electromagnetic solver developed in the last ten years in the Torino group, has now been upgraded to rigorously handle HCG layers. The efficiency of the tool is preserved, and an entire set of HCG VCSEL modes can be computed in minutes on an ordinary desktop. A full set of design tools and guidelines, starting from 1D HCG properties up to 3D simulations which include HCG in the VCSEL design, will be presented and applied to the design of a structure that is in fabrication.
The bandwidth-induced communication bottleneck due to the intrinsic limitations of metal interconnects is inhibiting the
performance and environmental friendliness of today´s supercomputers, data centers, and in fact all other modern
electrically interconnected and interoperable networks such as data farms and "cloud" fabrics. The same is true for
systems of optical interconnects (OIs), where even when the metal interconnects are replaced with OIs the systems
remain limited by bandwidth, physical size, and most critically the power consumption and lifecycle operating costs.
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) are ideally suited to solve this dilemma. Global communication
providers like Google Inc., Intel Inc., HP Inc., and IBM Inc. are now producing optical interconnects based on VCSELs.
The optimal bandwidth per link may be analyzed by by using Amdahl´s Law and depends on the architecture of the data
center and the performance of the servers within the data center. According to Google Inc., a bandwidth of 40 Gb/s has
to be accommodated in the future. IBM Inc. demands 80 Tbps interconnects between solitary server chips in 2020. We
recently realized ultrahigh bit rate VCSELs up to 49 Gb/s suited for such optical interconnects emitting at 980 nm. These
devices show error-free transmission at temperatures up to 155°C and operate beyond 200°C. Single channel data-rates
of 40 Gb/s were achieved up to 75°C. Record high energy efficiencies close to 50 fJ/bit were demonstrated for VCSELs
emitting at 850 nm. Our devices are fabricated using a full three-inch wafer process, and the apertures were formed by
in-situ controlled selective wet oxidation using stainless steel-based vacuum equipment of our own design. assembly,
and operation. All device data are measured, recorded, and evaluated by our proprietary fully automated wafer mapping
probe station. The bandwidth density of our present devices is expected to be scalable from about 100 Gbps/mm² to a
physical limit of roughly 15 Tbps/mm² based on the current 12.5 Gb/s VCSEL technology. Still more energy-efficient
and smaller volume laser diode devices dissipating less heat are mandatory for further up scaling of the bandwidth.
Novel metal-clad VCSELs enable a reduction of the device's footprint for potentially ultrashort range interconnects by 1
to 2 orders of magnitude compared to conventional VCSELs thus enabling a similar increase of device density and
State-of-the-art vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) based optical interconnects for application in high
performance computers and data centers are reviewed. Record energy-efficient data transmission is demonstrated with
850 nm single-mode VCSELs for multimode optical fiber lengths up to 1 km at bit rates up to 25 Gb/s. Total power
consumption of less than 100 fJ/bit is demonstrated for VCSELs for the first time. Extremely temperature stable 980-nm
VCSELs show lasing up to 200 °C. Error-free 44 Gb/s operation at room temperature and 38 Gb/s up to 85 °C is
achieved with these devices. We present record-high bit rates in a wide temperature range of more than 160 °C. Record
energy-efficient data-transmission beyond 30 Gb/s is achieved at 25 °C for this wavelength range. In view of the high
speed and advanced temperature stability we suggest long wavelength VCSELs for energy-efficient short and very short-distance
optical interconnects for future high performance computers.
Record energy-efficient oxide-confined 850-nm single mode and quasi-single mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting
lasers (VCSELs) for optical interconnects are presented. Error-free performance at 17 Gb/s is achieved with record-low
dissipated power of only 69 fJ/bit. The total energy consumption is only 93 fJ/bit. Transmission lengths up to 1 km of
multimode optical fiber were achieved. Our commercial quasi-single mode devices achieve error-free operation at
25 Gb/s across up to 303 m of multimode fiber. To date our VCSELs are the most energy-efficient directly modulated
light-sources at any wavelength for data transmission across all distances up to 1 km of multimode optical fiber.
The copper-induced communication bottleneck is inhibiting performance and environmental acceptance of
today's supercomputers. Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) are ideally suited to solve this
dilemma. Indeed global players like Google, Intel, HP or IBM are now going for optical interconnects based on
VCSELs. The required bandwidth per link, however, is fixed by the architecture of the data center. According to
Google, a bandwidth of 40 Gb/s has to be accommodated. We recently realized ultra-high speed VCSELs suited
for optical interconnects in data centers with record-high performance. The 980-nm wavelength was chosen to be
able to realize densely-packed, bottom-emitting devices particularly advantageous for interconnects. These
devices show error-free transmission at temperatures up to 155°C. Serial data-rates of 40 Gb/s were achieved up
to 75° C. Peltier-cooled devices were modulated up to 50 Gb/s. These results were achieved from the sender side
by a VCSEL structure with important improvements and from the receiver side by a receiver module supplied by
u2t with some 30 GHz bandwidth. The novel VCSELs feature a new active region, a very short laser cavity, and a
drastically improved thermal resistance by the incorporation of a binary bottom mirror. As these devices might be
of industrial interest we had the epi-growth done by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition at IQE Europe.
Consequently, the devices were fabricated using a three-inch wafer process, and the apertures were formed by
proprietary in-situ controlled selective wet oxidation. All device data were measured, mapped and evaluated by
our fully automated probe station. Furthermore, these devices enable record-efficient data-transmission beyond
30 Gb/s, which is crucial for green photonics.
The ever growing demand for more bandwidth in high-performance computing (HPC) applications leads to a continuous
replacement of traditional copper-based links by optical interconnects at ever shorter transmission distances. However,
this trend results in a more stringent performance requirements for laser light sources utilized in new generations of
optical interconnects in respect to single channel speed, packaging density, power consumption and temperature stability,
to make the technology competitive and commercially viable. Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers operating at
different wavelengths, e. g. 850 or 980 nm, represent one possible solution for the short distance high density
interconnects in HPC applications. Here we present ultra-high speed highly temperature stable 980 nm VCSELs
operating error-free at the record high bit rate of 44 Gbit/s at room temperature and 38 Gbit/s at 85 °C for future interand
intra-chip, and module-to-module optical links. Next we present high speed extremely energy efficient 850 nm
VCSELs with record low energy consumptions of only 83 fJ/bit while operating at 17 Gbit/s and of only 117 fJ/bit at 25
Gbit/s. Our VCSELs enable ecologically sound and economically practical HPC designs.
The progressive penetration of optical communication links into traditional copper interconnect markets greatly expands
the applications of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) for the next-generation of board-to-board, moduleto-
module, chip-to-chip, and on-chip optical interconnects. Stability of the VCSEL parameters at high temperatures is
indispensable for such applications, since these lasers typically reside directly on or near integrated circuit chips. Here
we present 980 nm oxide-confined VCSELs operating error-free at bit rates up to 25 Gbit/s at temperatures as high as 85
°C without adjustment of the drive current and peak-to-peak modulation voltage. The driver design is therefore
simplified and the power consumption of the driver electronics is lowered, reducing the production and operational costs.
Small and large signal modulation experiments at various temperatures from 20 up to 85 °C for lasers with different
oxide aperture diameters are presented in order to analyze the physical processes controlling the performance of the
VCSELs. Temperature insensitive maximum -3 dB bandwidths of around 13-15 GHz for VCSELs with aperture
diameters of 10 μm and corresponding parasitic cut-off frequencies exceeding 22 GHz are observed. Presented results
demonstrate the suitability of our VCSELs for practical high speed and high temperature stable short-reach optical links.
Diabetes Mellitus is a common chronic disease that has become a public health issue. Continuous glucose
monitoring improves patient health by stabilizing the glucose levels. Optical methods are one of the painless
and promising methods that can be used for blood glucose predictions. However, having accuracies lower than
what is acceptable clinically has been a major concern. Using lasers along with multivariate techniques such as
Partial Least Square (PLS) can improve glucose predictions. This research involves investigations for developing
a novel optical system for accurate glucose predictions, which leads to the development of a small, low power,
implantable optical sensor for diabetes patients.
InP-based, long-wavelength vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (LW-VCSELs) with buried tunnel junction are
presented for high-power applications. Various studies of single-devices with large apertures and monolithically
integrated two-dimensional VCSEL arrays are shown. The influence of aperture and array size on laser power, efficiency
and divergence angle is investigated in detail. Unlike GaAs-based devices, large apertures are not favorable due to
thermal issues. Accordingly, we focused on VCSEL arrays and derived scaling rules for optimum performance. This
allows manufacturing high-power devices achieving continuous-wave (CW) optical powers in excess of 3 W at -11°C
heat-sink temperature, circular far-field, low divergence angles around 20° and power densities of 130 W/cm2 at
1.55 μm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest power ever reported for a monolithic VCSEL array. At room
temperature, more than 2 W is still available and high-temperature operation up to 70°C is applicable. The driving
voltages around 1.2 V are significantly low, enabling single battery mobile operation. The wall-plug efficiency at room
temperature exceeds 20% in a wide range. Addressing the array in sectors, we found that the array is very homogenous
in performance with a standard deviation of less than 2.8%. Therefore, high-power applications can also be
accomplished by VCSEL technology. As these novel devices with emission wavelengths beyond 1400 nm are less
restrictive with respect to eye-safety, they are also favorable for free-space applications. Additionally, the devices may
be used as concealed infra-red headlights that are invisible for all silicon-based detectors.
In this paper, we will discuss the utilization of optically injection-locked (OIL) 1.55 μm vertical-cavity surface-emitting
lasers (VCSELs) for operation as low-cost, stable, directly modulated, and potentially uncooled transmitters, whereby the
injection-locking master source is furnished by modulated downstream signals. Such a transmitter will find useful
application in wavelength division multiplexed passive optical networks (WDM-PONs) which is actively being
developed to meet the ever-increasing bandwidth demands of end users. Our scheme eliminates the need for external
injection locking optical sources, external modulators, and wavelength stabilization circuitry. We show through
experiments that the injection-locked VCSEL favors low injection powers and responds only strongly to the carrier but
not the modulated data of the downstream signal. Further, we will discuss results from experimental studies performed
on the dependence of OIL-VCSELs in bidirectional networks on the degree of Rayleigh backscattered signal and
extinction ratio. We show that error-free upstream performance can be achieved when the upstream signal to Rayleigh
backscattering ratio is greater than 13.4 dB, and with minimal dependence on the downstream extinction ratio. We will
also review a fault monitoring and localization scheme based on a highly-sensitive yet low-cost monitor comprising a
low output power broadband source and low bandwidth detectors. The proposed scheme benefits from the high
reflectivity top distributed Bragg reflector mirror of the OIL-VCSEL, incurring only a minimal penalty on the upstream
transmissions of the existing infrastructure. Such a scheme provides fault monitoring without having to further invest in the upgrade of customer premises.
Long-wavelength InGaAlAs-InP vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (LW-VCSELs), designed for applications in gas
sensing and for optical interconnects are presented. These lasers cover the wavelength-range from 1.3 to 2.3 μm. With
2.3 μm, this is the longest wavelength ever achieved with an InP-based interband laser. Fabricated with a novel highspeed
design with reduced parasitics, bandwidths in excess of 11 GHz at 1.55 μm have been achieved. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the best dynamic characteristic for a 1.55 μm VCSEL ever presented. As a proof-of-concept one- and
two-dimensional arrays have been fabricated with high yield. All devices use for current confinement a buried tunnel
junction (BTJ). This concept, together with a dielectric backside reflector with integrated electroplated gold heat sink for
thermal management enables continuous wave (CW) operation at room-temperature with typical single-mode output
powers above 1 mW. The operation voltage is around 1 V and power consumption is as low as 10 - 20 mW. Error-free
data-transmission at 10 Gbit/s over 20 km is demonstrated, which can be readily applied in uncooled Coarse Wavelength
Division Multiplex Passive Optical Networks (CWDM PONs). The functionality of tunable diode laser spectroscopy
(TDLS) systems is verified by presenting a laser hygrometer using a 1.84 μm wavelength VCSEL.
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