Open Access Paper
15 January 2025 RRT* path planning method for mobile robot based on particle swarm optimization and rotation angle constraint
Heran Zhuang, Chunying Jiang
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 13513, The International Conference Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering (OIOE2024); 1351329 (2025)
Event: The International Conference Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering (OIOE2024), 2024, Wuhan, China
Aiming at the problem of low efficiency and poor accuracy of Optimal Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT*) method in robot path planning, a RRT* path planning method for mobile robot based on particle swarm optimization and corner constraint is proposed(PSO-RRT*). In the path growth direction, a path direction probability selection method under target and obstacle constraints is proposed to reduce the path search time. In the process of path exploration, taking the current node as the starting point, through multiple forward explorations, combined with the minimum rotation angle constraint of the robot, a local path under multiple rotation angle constraints is established. Using the particle swarm optimization method, the current multiple paths are selected to obtain the optimal local path, and the redundant nodes in the path are deleted. Finally, the B-spline curve is used to smooth the final path, and the predictive control method is used to track the path. The simulation and experimental results show that compared with the other methods, the average planning time of the proposed method is shortened by about 10%, the path length is reduced by 10%, and the smoothness is better, which shows that the proposed method has certain engineering practical value.



With the continuous development of automated driving technology, the control research of intelligent vehicles is gradually becoming a research hotspot. Path planning is regarded as a very important task of autonomous driving technology, which directly affects the safety of vehicle operation[1].

Path planning is the process of finding a collision-free path from the starting point to the target point when the map environment is known or partially known. It can be divided into two categories : global and local path planning. The commonly used path planning methods are : graph search algorithm[2], artificial potential field method[3], intelligent algorithm[4] and deep learning algorithm[5]. RRT* is a path planning method based on sampling method. Compared with the traditional path planning algorithm, RRT*algorithm has the advantages of complete probability[6] and easy implementation. However, the path generated by this method is often tortuous and non-optimal. The path has the problems of long planning time and low efficiency.

In view of this, domestic and foreign scholars have made a lot of improvement work on the RRT method. In order to speed up the convergence rate, the RRT-Connect algorithm simultaneously establishes a random tree from the starting point and the target point and performs multi-tree bidirectional expansion[7]. The Bias-RRT algorithm[8] affects the convergence speed of the algorithm by generating the probability distribution of the random sample of the random tree, and adds the target point to the distribution with a higher probability. This method greatly improves the expansion speed of the algorithm to the target point. In order to obtain the optimal or near-optimal path, Reference[9] proposed the RRT * algorithm. The core is to select the optimal parent node and reconnect the two optimization processes, and then obtain the optimal solution through continuous iteration, but this algorithm still has the disadvantage of long calculation time. Informed RRT * algorithm is proposed in[10]. The algorithm considers that the simple RRT * scatters points randomly in the whole region, and the optimization effect is too scattered. In order to accelerate the convergence speed and improve the optimization accuracy, the concept of hypersphere is established to reduce the sampling range of nodes. In order to concentrate the optimized path points, the RRT*-SMART algorithm is proposed in[11], which limits the sampling range of nodes by selecting key nodes, thereby improving the speed of path planning. In[12], an improved RRT * FN algorithm is proposed. Based on the ellipsoid subset sampling, this method combines the target bias method for path iteration to improve the convergence accuracy of the algorithm. However, this method uses uniform sampling to cause a large number of iteration points. Redundancy, path iteration efficiency is still low. Reference [13] proposed a random tree passive growth method, which combined with the gravity function to improve the running speed of the algorithm. The Q-RRT* algorithm proposed in Reference [14] can greatly shorten the path length and achieve a sub-optimal path by increasing the selection range of parent nodes and skipping unnecessary redundant nodes in the path through triangular inequalities.

On the whole, the current researchers have improved the RRT* method from the two dimensions of time and path length, and achieved good planning results. However, there are still problems of low efficiency of path planning and non-optimal path length. In view of this, this paper combines the particle swarm optimization method with the RRT* method, and combines the corner constraint to propose a mobile robot RRT* path planning method (PSO-RRT*) that combines particle swarm optimization and corner constraint. The proposed method is verified in many cases. The main innovations are :

  • (1) The particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to optimize the current multiple local paths to obtain the optimal local path.

  • (2) The minimum rotation angle constraint of the robot is considered in the path planning, which provides the basis for the subsequent trajectory tracking.





The RRT algorithm is a path planning algorithm that can quickly search the state space. Firstly, the random point xrand is obtained by the random sampling function Sample(). Using Nearest(V, xrand) search, the nearest point xnearest to xrand is obtained, and xnew can be obtained by fixed step size. If there is no collision with obstacles between xnew and xnearest, find the neighborhood Vnear of xnew, and then optimize the path through the ChooseParent (Vnear, xnew) and Rewire (Vnear, xnew) functions. The iterative optimization process gives the RRT * algorithm asymptotic optimality. The pseudo-code of the RRT * algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1 :





PSO algorithm[15] was proposed by Kennedy in 1995. PSO algorithm mainly searches the global optimal value of the objective function by imitating the foraging behavior of birds. In the standard particle swarm optimization algorithm, it is assumed that the particle swarm size is m, each particle has an n-dimensional search area, xi=(xi1,xi2,xi3,…,xin) is the search position of the i-th particle in space, vi=(vi1,vi2,vi3,…,vin) is the speed of the i-th particle, which represents the moving distance of the particle in each position update, pi=(pi1,pi2,pi3,…,pin) records the search optimal value of the ith particle. pg=(pg1,pg2,pg3,…,pgn) records the optimal particle position in the current population. The traditional PSO algorithm updates the position and velocity of the particles by the following two mathematical Eq. 1 and Eq.2.


In the Eq. 1 and Eq.2, w is the inertia weight factor; c1 and c2 are learning factors; R is a random number between 0 and 1; when vij(t+1) is the number of iterations of t + 1, the j-dimensional velocity component of the i-th particle; xij(t+1) is the j-dimensional position component of the i-particle at the number of t+1 iterations. pij(t) is the j-dimensional optimal position component of the i-th particle at the t-th iteration; pgj(t) The j-dimensional position component is obtained by the optimal solution in the population during the t-th iteration; where, 1≤i, g≤m, 1≤j≤n.


Sampling under target and obstacle constraints

In view of the randomness and blindness of the sampling points obtained by the RRT* algorithm, the search efficiency of the algorithm is low. Therefore, this paper uses the search method shown in Fig.1(a) to complete the acquisition of sampling points. First, the current parent node xparent is obtained, and the node and the target point (Goal) are connected. Then, the parent node xparent and the two sides of the obstacle are tangented to obtain the line segments xparent-xob1 and xparent-xob2. The region xparent-xob1-xob2 is a forbidden search region. Scan along xparent-xob1 and xparent-xob2 to both sides respectively, and the scanning search probability gradually decreases. Finally, the next sampling point is obtained.


Node selection method under multiple constraints



Corner Restriction

As shown in Fig.1(b), the path point selection method under the fusion corner constraint is proposed in this paper x1, x2 and x3 are the path points of the previous moment, the current moment and the next moment, respectively. When selecting the path point x3, the position of the path point at the first two moments is considered, and the rotation angle ϕ is less than the minimum rotation angle of the mobile robot.



The pseudo-code of the calculation process of the PSO-RRT * method proposed in this paper is shown in Algorithm 2. Compared with the original RRT* method, the improved method mainly has the following functions.

  • (1) When performing random random sampling, the sampling method based on target and obstacle constraints is added in the sampling function Sample() according to the content of Section 2.3.

  • (2) When selecting a new node, a method based on corner constraint is added to the NewNode(xnearest, xrand) function to form a new node selection function.

  • (3) Before the parent node selection, firstly, according to the population size of PSO(Taking the path length as the optimization goal), multiple local paths are generated, Vnear30 Then, these multiple local paths are used as the input of PSO to optimize and obtain the optimal node Vnear. Finally, the Chooseparent(Vnear, xnew) function is used to select the parent node.


Algorithm2 PSO-RRT*





Simulation Environment Settings

The proposed method is verified in three simulation environments shown in Fig.2, and compared with RRT*, informed-RRT*,and Q-RRT* methods to effectively illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. In the simulation, each method was tested 10 times, and the average planning time(s), path length(m) and total angle were used to evaluate each method. It should be noted that simulation environment 3 is the superposition of simulation environment 2 and simulation environment 1. Relatively more complex. In each test, the starting point is set to (2,2) and the end point is set to (490,370).

Figure. 2Download

The simulation map


The parameters of the PSO-RRT* method in the simulation process are set as follows : the particle swarm size is 30, c1 and c2 are 0.8, and the minimum rotation angle of the robot is set to 60 degrees.

The programming language used in this paper is Python3.7, the computer configuration is : 64-bit Window10, processor Intel (R) i5-9600, memory 16GB.


Simulation environment 1

The test results in simulation environment 1 are shown in Fig.3. The results in the figure show that compared with the other methods, the path obtained by the PSO-RRT * method is relatively more stable and the number of turns is less. In terms of path length, the Q-RRT * method has the worst effect, followed by the informed-RRT * method. The planning time and path length in the simulation environment are statistically analyzed, and the results are shown in Table xxx. The results in the table show that the PSO-RRT * method proposed in this paper achieves the optimal value in terms of planning time, path length and total rotation angle. Specifically, the planning time of PSO-RRT* is 37.2% shorter than that of the sub-optimal informed-RRT * method. In terms of path length, it is 9.7% shorter than the RRT * method. From the perspective of the total rotation angle, the rotation angle is reduced by 24.1%. The comparison results further reflect the advantages of the proposed method, indicating that the proposed method has advantages in improving planning efficiency and reducing planning path length.


Simulation environment 1 Planning results


In order to further illustrate that the method in this paper has a stable advantage, as shown in the Fig.4 is the result of the path length and the total rotation angle. The results show that the method in this paper is more stable.


The results of this plan


Table 1

Comparison of planning results of various methods

evaluation indextime(s)Length(m)Angle(degree)


Simulation environment 2

The test results in simulation environment 2 are shown in Fig.5. The results in the figure show that the path obtained by the PSO-RRT * method is relatively more stable and the number of turns is less than other methods. From the perspective of path length, the Q-RRT * method has the worst effect, followed by the informed-RRT * method. The planning time and path length in the simulation environment are statistically analyzed, and the results are shown in Table xxx. The results in the table show that the PSO-RRT * method proposed in this paper has reached the optimal value in terms of planning time, path length and total rotation angle. Specifically, the planning time of PSO-RRT * is 5.6 % shorter than that of the suboptimal informed-RRT * method. From the perspective of path length, it is shortened by 6.6 % compared with the RRT * method. From the perspective of the total rotation angle, the rotation angle is reduced by 34.8 %. The comparison results further reflect the advantages of the proposed method, indicating that the proposed method has advantages in improving planning efficiency and reducing planning path length.


Simulation environment 2 Planning results


In order to further illustrate that the method in this paper has a stable advantage, as shown in the Fig.6 is the result of the path length and the total rotation angle. The results show that the method in this paper is more stable. It also further reflects the advantages of this method.


The results of this plan


Table 2

Comparison of planning results of various methods

Evaluation indexTime(s)length(m)Angle(degree)


Simulation environment 3

In the simulation environment 3, the simulation environment 1 and the simulation environment 2 are mixed, and the test results are shown in Fig.7. The results in the figure show that the path obtained by the PSO-RRT * method is relatively more stable and the number of turns is less, as the results of simulation environment 1 and simulation environment 2. The planning time of PSO-RRT* is 11.1% shorter than that of the sub-optimal informed-RRT * method. From the perspective of path length, it is shortened by 4.3% compared with the RRT * method. From the perspective of the total rotation angle, the rotation angle is reduced by 20.7%. The comparison results further reflect the advantages of the proposed method, indicating that the proposed method has advantages in improving planning efficiency and reducing planning path length.


Simulation environment 3 Planning results


It is also further illustrated that the method in this paper has stable advantages, as shown in the Fig.8, which is the result of path length and total rotation angle. The results show that the method in this paper is more stable. It also further reflects the advantages of this method.


The results of this plan


Table 3

Comparison of planning results of various methods

evaluation indexTime(s)Length(m)Angle(degree)



In order to further illustrate the practicability of this method, the experimental verification is carried out on the mobile robot shown in Fig.9(a). The mobile robot uses raspberry pie as the main control system, Fig.9(b). In the verification process, the planned path is first smoothed by B-spline curve. Then, the MPC method is used for trajectory planning to obtain the rotational speed of the robot wheel. Finally, the actual test is carried out. This experiment was tested in a simple laboratory environment as shown in Fig10.(a). The results of the planning are shown in Fig.10(b). The red curve in the Fig.10(b) is the original planning result, and the black curve is the result of smoothing with the B-spline curve. 1,2,3,4 are the position points of the capture robot at this position, as shown in Fig.10(c),(d),(e),(f)


Mobile robot



experimental result


The results show that the PSO-RRT* method can complete the path planning task well. After using the B-spline curve smoothing, the path tracking of the mobile robot can be well realized based on the predictive control method. And the whole process has no collision behavior, which further verifies the advantages and applicable value of this method.



In this paper, a PSO-RRT * method is proposed and verified in three simulation environments and actual scenarios. The following conclusions can be obtained :

  • (1) The method in this paper has the characteristics of high planning efficiency and short planning path, which is more advantageous than other methods.

  • (2) After B-spline smoothing, the obtained path can be well predictive control;

  • (3) This method has certain practical value.





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(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Heran Zhuang and Chunying Jiang "RRT* path planning method for mobile robot based on particle swarm optimization and rotation angle constraint", Proc. SPIE 13513, The International Conference Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering (OIOE2024), 1351329 (15 January 2025);
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Computer simulations

Particle swarm optimization

Detection and tracking algorithms

Mobile robots


Mathematical optimization


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