High Power multi-kW class fiber lasers have become a leading technology in Directed Energy applications. With Direct Energy weapons and countermeasures moving closer to a deployable technology, industry players are now looking to ensure the components within their systems can withstand the harsh environments in which they will be used. With limited power available in the field, efficiency is a key criterion for these systems and there is a careful balance for diode laser pumps as a piece of the overall system. Increasing the cooling capacity delivered to the diode pumps will increase their Electrical-to-Optical efficiency, but requires more energy be consumed in the cooling loop through lowering the coolant temperature or increasing the pump speed to increase flow rate. In this paper, Coherent|DILAS aims to map these uncharted waters for its Low SWaP diode lasers by exploring trade space for the parameters that are critical to the overall system efficiency. By changing coolant types from water to glycol mixes, coolant freezing can be eliminated while the effects of coolant viscosity are explored. Additionally, direct changes to the coolant temperature and flow rates further explore cooling/efficiency trade space. Experiments are then repeated with an external grating to lock the center wavelength at the 976nm absorption band. The range at which locking is maintained and the efficiency change will be explored for various coolant, flow, and temperature configurations. With a large web of interacting processes being explored, Coherent|DILAS aims to enable further overall system optimization within Directed Energy community.
KEYWORDS: Diodes, Fiber lasers, Cooling systems, High power lasers, Defense and security, Energy efficiency, Directed energy weapons, Laser development, High power fiber lasers, Semiconductor lasers
Recent developments in fiber lasers show the field has reached a high level of maturity, and several demonstration programs have shown successful scaling of output power into the 30-50kW regime while maintaining good beam quality. Despite these successes, much work remains before fibers lasers are ready for the range of field applications currently envisioned. Constraints set by small system size, limited power availability, and harsh environmental conditions demand that novel modes of operation be considered. The variety of use conditions for which high power fiber lasers are being considered poses additional challenges to the system architect, and the full trade-space is not yet clear.
In advance of full system definition, Coherent|DILAS has continued to develop technologies that will extend the trade-space available to the system designer and facilitate transition to the field. We will report on a variety of efforts to extend the use range of existing, SWaP optimized fiber pump modules into territory appropriate for the more demanding of these applications.
Of particular concern are the system cooling architectures needed to support diode pump modules, which in the case of large systems, comprise a significant size and power demand. While efforts to improve SWaP of cooling systems generally have negative effects on diode performance, here we show that negative effects resulting from coolant system design can be mitigated. Operational results that pair existing lightweight, high power modules with non-standard cooling architectures, pulse schemes, and wavelength stabilization will be discussed.
KEYWORDS: Diodes, Fiber couplers, Fiber coupled lasers, Computer aided design, Calibration, Fiber lasers, High power lasers, Semiconductor lasers, Thulium, Ytterbium, Defense and security, Control systems
DILAS offers a variety of high power pump diode lasers, optimized for different gain media. Systems optimized for DPAL pumping at 766nm will be discussed, including results demonstrating precise wavelength and spectral width control necessary to optimal overlap with atomic lines. In addition, pump modules optimized at 793 nm for Tm fiber laser pumping have been demonstrated, including a low SWaP module targeted for airborne applications. Lastly, DILAS’ line of high-efficiency/low-SWaP pump at 976nm for Yb fiber laser will be presented. Starting with the 330W IS46 module, DILAS has demonstrated >53% efficiency, and has now increased brightness up to 625W from a 225 um/ 0.22 NA fiber. Developments towards a module with >900W output power will also be shown.
KEYWORDS: Laser applications, Current controlled current source, Thulium, Fiber lasers, Semiconductor lasers, Manufacturing, Defense technologies, High power lasers
DILAS has leveraged its industry-leading work in manufacturing low SWaP fiber-coupled modules extending the wavelength range to 793nm for Tm fiber laser pumping. Ideal for medical, industrial and military applications, modules spanning from single emitter-based 9W to TBar-based 200W of 793nm pump power will be discussed. The highlight is a lightweight module capable of <200W of 793nm pump power out of a package weighing < 400 grams. In addition, other modules spanning from single emitter-based 9W to TBar-based 200W of 793nm pump power will be presented. In addition, advances in DPAL modules, emitting at the technologically important wavelengths near 766nm and 780nm, will be detailed. Highlights include a fully microprocessor controlled fiber-coupled module that produces greater than 400W from a 600 micron core fiber and a line width of only 56.3pm. The micro-processor permits the automated center wavelength and line width tuning of the output over a range of output powers while retaining excellent line center and line width stability over time.
DILAS Diode Laser, Inc. continues to improve and optimize high-brightness fiber-laser pump modules. Highlights include a 330W module weighing in at 300 grams, achieving greater than 55% electrical-to-optical efficiency at the operating power from a 225micron/0.22NA fiber and a power-scaled version capable of >600 W, >50% efficiency and weighing in at less than 400 grams. The macro-channel coolers enabling these modules eliminate the need for microchannels and deionized water and reduce pressure drop across the system. A road map to modules with >900W of output power will also be presented.
Targeted at the 793nm absorption band, DILAS Diode Laser, Inc. offers a range of products specifically designed for Thulium fiber laser pumping, spanning from 12 W to <300W of pump power and coupled into fiber sizes starting at 105um and upwards. A variety of different diode architectures are utilized, ranging from single-emitters, conduction-cooled bars, and DILAS's T-bar structure extended to the 793nm range, resulting in a wide variety of power levels and packaging options to support different applications. As IRCM for airborne platforms is a major application for Tm fiber lasers, packages optimized for low SWaP will be presented, which utilize a combination of the T-bar structure and macrochannel coolers specifically designed for compact, lightweight applications. Examples and results of Tm fiber lasers pumped using DILAS diodes will also be presented and discussed.
Specifically optimized for both high efficiency and low SWaP, DILAS Diode Laser, Inc. continues to improve and optimize high-brightness fiber-laser pump modules. Starting with a <53% electrical-optical efficient 330W module in full production, power-scaled versions capable of 625 W and 900 W will also be covered. Utilizing a 225um/0.22 NA fiber output, these pumps enable single-mode kW-class fiber amplifiers ranging from 1 kW to 3kW. Designed for low SWaP, these modules are produced using mounted diode laser bars from a standard manufacturing line and commercial, off-theshelf optics. Cooling is accomplished through macro channel coolers that eliminate the need for micro-channels and the associated coolant issues. This innovative macro channel cooler is specifically designed to reduce both weight and thermal resistance, and also provides an ideal substrate for power-scaling the diode module while maintaining efficiency. Utilizing AuSn hard solder on CTE matched substrates eliminates the problems associated with Indium-based diode solder joints and permits hard pulsing of the laser diodes with any pulse width/duty cycle parameter set. Optional VBG stabilization is available on all versions for applications requiring wavelength stability over a wide temperature range.
The demand for high brightness fiber coupled diode laser devices in the multi kW power region is mainly driven by industrial applications for materials processing, like brazing, cladding and metal welding, which require a beam quality better than 30 mm x mrad and power levels above 3kW. Reliability, modularity, and cost effectiveness are key factors for success in the market.
We have developed a scalable and modular diode laser architecture that fulfills these requirements through use of a simple beam shaping concept based on two dimensional stacking of tailored diode bars mounted on specially designed, tap water cooled heat sinks. The base element of the concept is a tailored diode laser bar with an epitaxial and lateral structure designed such that the desired beam quality in slow-axis direction can be realized without using sophisticated beam shaping optics. The optical design concept is based on fast-axis collimator (FAC) and slow-axis collimator (SAC) lenses followed by only one additional focusing optic for efficient coupling into a 400 μm fiber with a numerical aperture (NA) of 0.12.
To fulfill the requirements of scalability and modularity, four tailored bars are populated on a reduced size, tap water cooled heat sink. The diodes on these building blocks are collimated simply via FAC and SAC. The building blocks can be stacked vertically resulting in a two-dimensional diode stack, which enables a compact design of the laser source with minimum beam path length. For a single wavelength, up to eight of these building blocks, implying a total of 32 tailored bars, can be stacked into a submodule, polarization multiplexed, and coupled into a 400 μm, 0.12NA fiber. Scalability into the multi kW region is realized by wavelength combining of replaceable submodules in the spectral range from 900 – 1100 nm. We present results of a laser source based on this architecture with an output power of more than 4 kW and a beam quality of 25 mm x mrad.
Due to their low quantum defect, diode pumped alkali metal vapor lasers (DPALs) offer the promise of scalability to very high average power levels while maintaining excellent beam quality. Research on DPALs has progressed to ever increasing power levels across multiple gain media species over the last years, necessitating pump power in the kW range. Each material requires a specific pump wavelength: near 852nm for cesium, 780nm for rubidium, 766nm for potassium, and 670nm for lithium atoms. The shorter pump wavelength below 800nm are outside the typical wavelength range for pump diodes developed for diode pumped solid state lasers (DPSS).
The biggest challenge in pumping these materials efficiently is the need for maintaining the narrow gain media absorption band of approximately 0.01nm while greatly increasing power. Typical high power diode lasers achieve spectral widths around 3nm (FWHM) in the near infrared spectrum, but optical gratings may be used internal or external to the cavity to reduce the spectral width. Recently, experimental results have shown yet narrower line widths ranging from picometers at very low power levels to sub-100 picometers for water cooled stacks around 1kW of output power.
The focus of this work is the development of a fiber-based pump system for potassium DPAL. The individual tasks are the development of high power 766nm chip material, a fiber-coupled module as a building block, and a scalable system design to address power requirements from hundreds of watts to tens of kilowatts. Results for a 3kW system achieving ~30GHz bandwidth at 766nm will be shown. Approaches for power-scaling and size reduction will be discussed.
The demand for high-power and high-brightness fiber coupled diode laser devices is mainly driven by applications for solid-state laser pumping and materials processing. The ongoing power scaling of fiber lasers requires scalable fibercoupled diode laser devices with increased power and brightness. In particular, applications and technologies that demand a high degree of mobility, such as airborne or field transportable systems, also require a robust and extremely lightweight design. We have developed a scalable and modular diode laser architecture that combines high-power, high-brightness, and low weight that fulfills these requirements for a multitude of applications. At the heart of the concept is a specially tailored diode laser bar with an epitaxial and lateral structure designed such that only standard fast- and slow-axis collimator lenses are required to couple the beam into a 200μm core fiber with a numerical aperture (NA) of 0.22. To fulfill the requirements of scalability and modularity, a reduced size heat sink populated with multiple tailored bars is used. This enables a compact and lightweight design with minimum beam path length. The design concept is capable of providing single wavelength, high-power laser diode modules, with optional volume holographic gratings for wavelength stabilization. Modules with output power levels of more than one kW at a power-to-weight ratio of less than 1 kg/kW are achievable. In this paper, two laser modules based on this concept are presented. The optical output power is above 500W at a module weight less than 500g and 300W at 300g. Both modules are coupled into a 200μm, 0.22NA fiber.
Diode pumped alkali metal vapor lasers (DPALs) offer the promise of scalability to very high average power levels while maintaining excellent beam quality, making them an attractive candidate for future defense applications. A variety of gain media are used and each requires a different pump wavelength: near 852nm for cesium, 780nm for rubidium, 766nm for potassium, and 670nm for lithium atoms. The biggest challenge in pumping these materials efficiently is the narrow gain media absorption band of approximately 0.01nm. Typical high power diode lasers achieve spectral widths around 3nm (FWHM) in the near infrared spectrum. With state of the art locking techniques, either internal to the cavity or externally mounted gratings, the spectral width can typically be reduced to 0.5nm to 1nm for kW-class, high power stacks. More narrow spectral width has been achieved at lower power levels. The diode’s inherent wavelength drift over operating temperature and output power is largely, but not completely, eliminated. However, standard locking techniques cannot achieve the required accuracy on the location of the spectral output or the spectral width for efficient DPAL pumping. Actively cooled diode laser stacks with continuous wave output power of up to 100W per 10mm bar at 780nm optimized for rubidium pumping will be presented. Custom designed external volume holographic gratings (VHGs) in conjunction with optimized chip material are used to narrow and stabilize the optical spectrum. Temperature tuning on a per-bar-level is used to overlap up to fifteen individual bar spectra into one narrow peak. At the same time, this tuning capability can be used to adjust the pump wavelength to match the absorption band of the active medium. A spectral width of <0.1nm for the entire stack is achieved at <1kW optical output power. Tuning of the peak wavelength is demonstrated for up to 0.15nm. The technology can easily be adapted to other diode laser wavelengths to pump different materials.
We report on a high-power diode laser pump source for diode-pumped alkali lasers (DPAL), specifically rubidium alkali
vapor lasers at 780nm, delivering up to 100W/bar with FWHM spectral line width of 0.06nm (~30GHz). This pump is
based on a micro-channel water-cooled stack with collimation in both-axes. Wavelength-locking of the output spectrum
allows absorption in one of the very narrow resonance lines of the atomic rubidium alkali vapor. To achieve these
results, research was conducted to deliver the highest performance on all key components of the product from the diode
laser bar which produces the optical power at 780nm to the external Bragg gratings which narrow the spectrum line
width. We highlight the advancements in the epitaxy, device design, beam collimation, grating selection, alignment,
tunability and thermal control that enable realization of this novel pump-source for DPALs. Design trade-offs will be
New applications require diode lasers to be driven with short pulses in the sub-micro second range. The goal is to minimize both the cost and size of the diode laser module by minimizing the number of laser bars required while maintaining the lifetime that is desired for the application. Products demanded by the market using such short pulses range from QCW stacks to fiber coupled modules. While many short pulsed applications use high fill factor bars, these bars are not suited for high brightness applications or coupling into small fiber cores. The focus of this work is the analysis of CW diode designs commonly used for high brightness fiber coupled modules under short pulsed conditions.
Three key parameters need to be known in order to design a diode laser module that is suited for high peak powers. First is the damage threshold of the facet. The damage threshold determines the maximum power level at which the laser can be operated safely, considering a proper safety margin dependent on application. The damage threshold is a function of the input pulse width and amplitude. The second parameter which is influenced by the drive current is the slow axis divergence of the diode laser. Knowledge of this parameter is critical when designing the system optics. The third parameter is the effective emitter size which may increase with operating current. An increase in emitter size will lead to larger divergences after collimating optics for a given focal length lens and may result in a larger spot when coupling into an optical fiber. All these parameters have to be considered when designing a new product.
Presented here is a study on these three critical parameters as a function of operating conditions. Results for different diode designs will be presented. The data presented includes damage thresholds, as well as near field and far field data at various operating currents. A design study for fiber coupled modules with high pulse energies based on the test results will be shown for various wavelengths.
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