Dr. Harry L. Graber
Research Assistant Professor at SUNY Downstate Medical Ctr
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (36)

SPIE Journal Paper | 14 October 2015 Open Access
Daqing Piao, Randall Barbour, Harry Graber, Daniel Lee
JBO, Vol. 20, Issue 10, 105005, (October 2015) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JBO.20.10.105005
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Spherical lenses, Optical spheres, Diffusion, Finite element methods, Near infrared spectroscopy, Scattering, Optical properties, Head, Absorption

Proceedings Article | 21 February 2008 Paper
Randall Barbour, Rehman Ansari, Rabah Al abdi, Harry Graber, Mikhail Levin, Yaling Pei, Christoph Schmitz, Yong Xu
Proceedings Volume 6870, 687002 (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.769160
KEYWORDS: Liquid crystals, Opacity, Near infrared spectroscopy, Head, Hemodynamics, Breast, Silicon, Imaging systems, Absorption, Scattering

SPIE Journal Paper | 1 September 2005 Open Access
Yong Xu, Yaling Pei, Harry Graber, Randall Barbour
JBO, Vol. 10, Issue 05, 051701, (September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.2103747
KEYWORDS: Deconvolution, Image quality, Sensors, Image restoration, Denoising, Reconstruction algorithms, Image filtering, 3D image reconstruction, Absorption, 3D image processing

Proceedings Article | 30 April 2004 Paper
Randall Barbour, Harry Graber, Yaling Pei, Christoph Schmitz, Yong Xu, Adriana Di Martino, F. Xavier Castellanos, David Klemer, Rosemarie Hardin, Nelson Franco, Michael Katz, M. E. Zenilman, Alessandro Smeraldi, Thomas Panetta
Proceedings Volume 5369, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.537957
KEYWORDS: Breast, Tissues, Tumors, Image restoration, Tissue optics, Image filtering, Hemodynamics, Sensors, Head, Near infrared spectroscopy

Proceedings Article | 29 July 2003 Paper
Harry Graber, Yaling Pei, Randall Barbour, David Johnston, Ying Zheng, John Mayhew
Proceedings Volume 4955, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.479467
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Data modeling, Tomography, Principal component analysis, Tissue optics, Optical tomography, Absorption, Target detection, Interference (communication), Near infrared

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